typerig.proxy.objects.node (version 0.26.3)
# MODULE: Typerig / Proxy / Node (Obejcts) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # (C) Vassil Kateliev, 2017-2020 (http://www.kateliev.com) # (C) Karandash Type Foundry (http://www.karandash.eu) #------------------------------------------------------------ # www.typerig.com
- fontgate
- fontlab
- math
- PythonQt
- random
- typerig.core.objects
class eNode(pNode)
Extended representation of the Proxy Node, adding some advanced functionality Constructor: eNode(flNode)
- Method resolution order:
- eNode
- pNode
- builtin.object
- alignTo(self, entity, align=(True, True))
Align current node to a node or line given. Arguments: entity (flNode, pNode, eNode or Line) align (tuple(Align_X (bool), Align_Y (bool))
- cornerMitre(self, mitreSize=5, isRadius=False)
# - Corner operations ---------------
- cornerRound(self, size=5, proportion=None, curvature=None, isRadius=False)
- cornerTrap(self, aperture=10, depth=20, trap=2)
Trap a corner by given aperture. Arguments: aperture (float): Width of the traps mouth (opening); depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode)
- cornerTrapInc(self, incision=10, depth=50, trap=2, smooth=True)
Trap a corner by given incision into the glyph flesh. Arguments: incision (float): How much to cut into glyphs flesh based from that corner inward; depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom; smooth (bool): Creates a smooth trap. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode) four base (ON) nodes of the trap.
- diffTo(self, node)
- diffToNext(self)
- diffToPrev(self)
- getNextLine(self)
- getPrevLine(self)
- interpShift(self, shift_x, shift_y)
Interpolated move aka Interpolated Nudge. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float)
- polarReloc(self, angle, distance)
- polarRelocFromPrev(self, distance)
- polarTo(self, node)
- polarToNext(self)
- polarToPrev(self)
- shiftFromNext(self, diffX, diffY)
- shiftFromPrev(self, diffX, diffY)
- slantShift(self, shift_x, shift_y, angle)
Slanted move - move a node (in inclined space) according to Y coordinate slanted at given angle. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float) angle (float): Angle in degrees
- smartPolarReloc(self, angle, distance)
Methods from pNode
- init(self, node)
- repr(self)
- angleTo(self, node)
- angleToNext(self)
- angleToPrev(self)
- delSmartAngle(self)
- distanceTo(self, node)
- distanceToNext(self)
- distanceToPrev(self)
- getContour(self)
- getMaxY(self, naked=True)
- getMinY(self, naked=True)
- getNext(self, naked=True)
- getNextOn(self, naked=True)
- getOn(self, naked=True)
- getPrev(self, naked=True)
- getPrevOn(self, naked=True)
- getSegment(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSegmentNodes(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSmartAngle(self)
# - Effects --------------------------------
- getSmartAngleRadius(self)
- getTime(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- insertAfter(self, time)
- insertAfterDist(self, distance)
- insertBefore(self, time)
- insertBeforeDist(self, distance)
- reloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node to new coordinates
- remove(self)
- setSmartAngle(self, radius)
- setSmartAngleRadius(self, radius)
- shift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node by given amout
- smartReloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node and adjacent BCPs to new coordinates
- smartShift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node and adjacent BCPs by given amout
- update(self)
Descriptors from pNode
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class eNodesContainer(pNodesContainer)
Extended representation of Abstract nodes container Constructor: eNodesContainer(list(flNode))
- Method resolution order:
- eNodesContainer
- pNodesContainer
- builtin.object
- alignTo(self, entity, alignMode='', align=(True, True))
Align Abstract nodes container to. Arguments: entity () alignMode (String) : L(left), R(right), C(center), T(top), B(bottom), E(vertical center) !ORDER MATTERS
Methods from pNodesContainer
- delitem(self, index)
- getitem(self, index)
- hash(self)
- init(self, nodeList, extend=<class 'typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode'>)
- len(self)
- repr(self)
- setitem(self, index, value)
- append(self, index)
- applyTransform(self, transform)
- clone(self)
- cloneTransform(self, transform)
- getBounds(self)
- getCoord(self)
- getPosition(self)
- insert(self, index, value)
- reverse(self)
- shift(self, dx, dy)
- smartShift(self, dx, dy)
Descriptors from pNodesContainer
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class pNode(builtin.object)
Proxy to flNode object Constructor: pNode(flNode) Attributes: .fl (flNode): Original flNode .parent (flContour): parent contour .contour (flContour): parent contour
- init(self, node)
- repr(self)
- angleTo(self, node)
- angleToNext(self)
- angleToPrev(self)
- delSmartAngle(self)
- distanceTo(self, node)
- distanceToNext(self)
- distanceToPrev(self)
- getContour(self)
- getMaxY(self, naked=True)
- getMinY(self, naked=True)
- getNext(self, naked=True)
- getNextOn(self, naked=True)
- getOn(self, naked=True)
- getPrev(self, naked=True)
- getPrevOn(self, naked=True)
- getSegment(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSegmentNodes(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSmartAngle(self)
# - Effects --------------------------------
- getSmartAngleRadius(self)
- getTime(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- insertAfter(self, time)
- insertAfterDist(self, distance)
- insertBefore(self, time)
- insertBeforeDist(self, distance)
- reloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node to new coordinates
- remove(self)
- setSmartAngle(self, radius)
- setSmartAngleRadius(self, radius)
- shift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node by given amout
- smartReloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node and adjacent BCPs to new coordinates
- smartShift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node and adjacent BCPs by given amout
- update(self)
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class pNodesContainer(builtin.object)
Abstract nodes container Constructor: pNodesContainer(list(flNode)) Attributes:
- delitem(self, index)
- getitem(self, index)
- hash(self)
- init(self, nodeList, extend=<class 'typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode'>)
- len(self)
- repr(self)
- setitem(self, index, value)
- append(self, index)
- applyTransform(self, transform)
- clone(self)
- cloneTransform(self, transform)
- getBounds(self)
- getCoord(self)
- getPosition(self)
- insert(self, index, value)
- reverse(self)
- shift(self, dx, dy)
- smartShift(self, dx, dy)
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode = class pNode(__builtin__.object)
Proxy to flNode object Constructor: pNode(flNode) Attributes: .fl (flNode): Original flNode .parent (flContour): parent contour .contour (flContour): parent contour
- __init__(self, node)
- __repr__(self)
- angleTo(self, node)
- angleToNext(self)
- angleToPrev(self)
- delSmartAngle(self)
- distanceTo(self, node)
- distanceToNext(self)
- distanceToPrev(self)
- getContour(self)
- getMaxY(self, naked=True)
- getMinY(self, naked=True)
- getNext(self, naked=True)
- getNextOn(self, naked=True)
- getOn(self, naked=True)
- getPrev(self, naked=True)
- getPrevOn(self, naked=True)
- getSegment(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSegmentNodes(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSmartAngle(self)
# - Effects --------------------------------
- getSmartAngleRadius(self)
- getTime(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- insertAfter(self, time)
- insertAfterDist(self, distance)
- insertBefore(self, time)
- insertBeforeDist(self, distance)
- reloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node to new coordinates
- remove(self)
- setSmartAngle(self, radius)
- setSmartAngleRadius(self, radius)
- shift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node by given amout
- smartReloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node and adjacent BCPs to new coordinates
- smartShift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node and adjacent BCPs by given amout
- update(self)
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode.reloc = reloc(self, newX, newY) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode method
Relocate the node to new coordinates
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode.shift = shift(self, deltaX, deltaY) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode method
Shift the node by given amout
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode.smartReloc = smartReloc(self, newX, newY) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode method
Relocate the node and adjacent BCPs to new coordinates
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode.smartShift = smartShift(self, deltaX, deltaY) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode method
Shift the node and adjacent BCPs by given amout
typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNodesContainer = class pNodesContainer(__builtin__.object)
Abstract nodes container Constructor: pNodesContainer(list(flNode)) Attributes:
- __delitem__(self, index)
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __hash__(self)
- __init__(self, nodeList, extend=<class 'typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode'>)
- __len__(self)
- __repr__(self)
- __setitem__(self, index, value)
- append(self, index)
- applyTransform(self, transform)
- clone(self)
- cloneTransform(self, transform)
- getBounds(self)
- getCoord(self)
- getPosition(self)
- insert(self, index, value)
- reverse(self)
- shift(self, dx, dy)
- smartShift(self, dx, dy)
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode = class eNode(pNode)
Extended representation of the Proxy Node, adding some advanced functionality Constructor: eNode(flNode)
- Method resolution order:
- eNode
- pNode
- __builtin__.object
- alignTo(self, entity, align=(True, True))
Align current node to a node or line given. Arguments: entity (flNode, pNode, eNode or Line) align (tuple(Align_X (bool), Align_Y (bool))
- asCoord(self)
Returns Coord object of the node.
- cornerMitre(self, mitreSize=5, isRadius=False)
# - Corner operations ---------------
- cornerRound(self, size=5, proportion=None, curvature=None, isRadius=False)
- cornerTrap(self, aperture=10, depth=20, trap=2)
Trap a corner by given aperture. Arguments: aperture (float): Width of the traps mouth (opening); depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode)
- cornerTrapInc(self, incision=10, depth=50, trap=2, smooth=True)
Trap a corner by given incision into the glyph flesh. Arguments: incision (float): How much to cut into glyphs flesh based from that corner inward; depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom; smooth (bool): Creates a smooth trap. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode) four base (ON) nodes of the trap.
- diffTo(self, node)
- diffToNext(self)
- diffToPrev(self)
- getNextLine(self)
- getPrevLine(self)
- interpShift(self, shift_x, shift_y)
Interpolated move aka Interpolated Nudge. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float)
- polarReloc(self, angle, distance)
- polarRelocFromPrev(self, distance)
- polarTo(self, node)
- polarToNext(self)
- polarToPrev(self)
- shiftFromNext(self, diffX, diffY)
- shiftFromPrev(self, diffX, diffY)
- slantShift(self, shift_x, shift_y, angle)
Slanted move - move a node (in inclined space) according to Y coordinate slanted at given angle. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float) angle (float): Angle in degrees
- smartPolarReloc(self, angle, distance)
Methods from pNode
- __init__(self, node)
- __repr__(self)
- angleTo(self, node)
- angleToNext(self)
- angleToPrev(self)
- delSmartAngle(self)
- distanceTo(self, node)
- distanceToNext(self)
- distanceToPrev(self)
- getContour(self)
- getMaxY(self, naked=True)
- getMinY(self, naked=True)
- getNext(self, naked=True)
- getNextOn(self, naked=True)
- getOn(self, naked=True)
- getPrev(self, naked=True)
- getPrevOn(self, naked=True)
- getSegment(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSegmentNodes(self, relativeTime=0)
- getSmartAngle(self)
# - Effects --------------------------------
- getSmartAngleRadius(self)
- getTime(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- insertAfter(self, time)
- insertAfterDist(self, distance)
- insertBefore(self, time)
- insertBeforeDist(self, distance)
- reloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node to new coordinates
- remove(self)
- setSmartAngle(self, radius)
- setSmartAngleRadius(self, radius)
- shift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node by given amout
- smartReloc(self, newX, newY)
Relocate the node and adjacent BCPs to new coordinates
- smartShift(self, deltaX, deltaY)
Shift the node and adjacent BCPs by given amout
- update(self)
Descriptors from pNode
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.asCoord = asCoord(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Returns Coord object of the node.
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.cornerTrap = cornerTrap(self, aperture=10, depth=20, trap=2) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Trap a corner by given aperture. Arguments: aperture (float): Width of the traps mouth (opening); depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode)
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.cornerTrapInc = cornerTrapInc(self, incision=10, depth=50, trap=2, smooth=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Trap a corner by given incision into the glyph flesh. Arguments: incision (float): How much to cut into glyphs flesh based from that corner inward; depth (float): Length of the traps sides; trap (float): Width of the traps bottom; smooth (bool): Creates a smooth trap. Returns: tuple(flNode, flNode, flNode, flNode) four base (ON) nodes of the trap.
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.interpShift = interpShift(self, shift_x, shift_y) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Interpolated move aka Interpolated Nudge. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float)
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.slantShift = slantShift(self, shift_x, shift_y, angle) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Slanted move - move a node (in inclined space) according to Y coordinate slanted at given angle. Arguments: shift_x, shift_y (float) angle (float): Angle in degrees
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode.alignTo = alignTo(self, entity, align=(True, True)) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNode method
Align current node to a node or line given. Arguments: entity (flNode, pNode, eNode or Line) align (tuple(Align_X (bool), Align_Y (bool))
typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNodesContainer = class eNodesContainer(pNodesContainer)
Extended representation of Abstract nodes container Constructor: eNodesContainer(list(flNode))
- Method resolution order:
- eNodesContainer
- pNodesContainer
- __builtin__.object
- alignTo(self, entity, alignMode='', align=(True, True))
Align Abstract nodes container to. Arguments: entity () alignMode (String) : L(left), R(right), C(center), T(top), B(bottom), E(vertical center) !ORDER MATTERS
Methods from pNodesContainer
- __delitem__(self, index)
- __getitem__(self, index)
- __hash__(self)
- __init__(self, nodeList, extend=<class 'typerig.proxy.objects.node.pNode'>)
- __len__(self)
- __repr__(self)
- __setitem__(self, index, value)
- append(self, index)
- applyTransform(self, transform)
- clone(self)
- cloneTransform(self, transform)
- getBounds(self)
- getCoord(self)
- getPosition(self)
- insert(self, index, value)
- reverse(self)
- shift(self, dx, dy)
- smartShift(self, dx, dy)
Descriptors from pNodesContainer
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNodesContainer.alignTo = alignTo(self, entity, alignMode='', align=(True, True)) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.node.eNodesContainer method
Align Abstract nodes container to. Arguments: entity () alignMode (String) : L(left), R(right), C(center), T(top), B(bottom), E(vertical center) !ORDER MATTERS