
typerig.gui.QtGui (version 0.0.2)

# MODULE: Typerig / GUI / QtGui
# NOTE: Mac Os GUI compatibility module
# ----------------------------------------
# (C) Adam Twardoch, 2019
# www.typerig.com


class QDialog(PythonQt.QtGui.QDialog)

Method resolution order:


init(self, *args, **kwargs)


Accepted = 1
DialogCode = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.DialogCode'>
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
PaintDeviceMetric = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.PaintDeviceMetric'>
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Rejected = 0
RenderFlag = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.RenderFlag'>
RenderFlags = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.RenderFlags'>
accept = <unbound qt slot py_q_accept of QDialog type>


acceptDrops = None
accepted = <unbound qt signal accepted of QDialog type>
accessibleDescription = None
accessibleName = None
actionEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_actionEvent of QDialog type>

X.actionEvent(a, b)

actions = <unbound qt slot actions of QDialog type>

X.actions(a) -> tuple

activateWindow = <unbound qt slot activateWindow of QDialog type>


addAction = <unbound qt slot addAction of QDialog type>

X.addAction(a, b)

addActions = <unbound qt slot addActions of QDialog type>

X.addActions(a, b)

adjustPosition = <unbound qt slot adjustPosition of QDialog type>

X.adjustPosition(a, b)

adjustSize = <unbound qt slot adjustSize of QDialog type>


autoFillBackground = None
backgroundRole = <unbound qt slot backgroundRole of QDialog type>


backingStore = <unbound qt slot backingStore of QDialog type>

X.backingStore(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QBackingStore

baseSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QDialog type>

X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool

changeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_changeEvent of QDialog type>

X.changeEvent(a, b)

childAt = <unbound qt slot childAt of QDialog type>

X.childAt(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QDialog type>

X.childEvent(a, b)

children = <unbound qt slot children of QDialog type>

X.children(a) -> tuple

childrenRect = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
childrenRegion = QRegion (QRegion at: 0x0)
className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Return the classname of the object

clearFocus = <unbound qt slot clearFocus of QDialog type>


clearMask = <unbound qt slot clearMask of QDialog type>


close = <unbound qt slot close of QDialog type>

X.close() -> bool

closeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_closeEvent of QDialog type>

X.closeEvent(a, b)

colorCount = <unbound qt slot colorCount of QDialog type>

X.colorCount(a) -> int

connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QDialog type>

X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool

contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QDialog type>

X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins

contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QDialog type>

X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

contextMenuEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_contextMenuEvent of QDialog type>

X.contextMenuEvent(a, b)

contextMenuPolicy = None
createWinId = <unbound qt slot createWinId of QDialog type>


createWindowContainer = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_createWindowContainer of QDialog type>

X.createWindowContainer(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

cursor = QCursor (QCursor at: 0x0)
customContextMenuRequested = <unbound qt signal customContextMenuRequested of QDialog type>
customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QDialog type>

X.customEvent(a, b)

delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Deletes the given C++ object

deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QDialog type>


depth = <unbound qt slot depth of QDialog type>

X.depth(a) -> int

destroy = <unbound qt slot destroy of QDialog type>

X.destroy(a, b, c)

destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QDialog type>
devType = <unbound qt slot py_q_devType of QDialog type>

X.devType(a) -> int

devicePixelRatio = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatio of QDialog type>

X.devicePixelRatio(a) -> int

devicePixelRatioF = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatioF of QDialog type>

X.devicePixelRatioF(a) -> float

devicePixelRatioFScale = <unbound qt slot static_QPaintDevice_devicePixelRatioFScale of QDialog type>

X.devicePixelRatioFScale() -> float

disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QDialog type>

X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool

done = <unbound qt slot py_q_done of QDialog type>

X.done(a, b)

dragEnterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragEnterEvent of QDialog type>

X.dragEnterEvent(a, b)

dragLeaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragLeaveEvent of QDialog type>

X.dragLeaveEvent(a, b)

dragMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragMoveEvent of QDialog type>

X.dragMoveEvent(a, b)

dropEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dropEvent of QDialog type>

X.dropEvent(a, b)

dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QDialog type>


dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QDialog type>


dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QDialog type>


effectiveWinId = <unbound qt slot effectiveWinId of QDialog type>


enabled = None
ensurePolished = <unbound qt slot ensurePolished of QDialog type>


enterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_enterEvent of QDialog type>

X.enterEvent(a, b)

event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QDialog type>

X.event(a, b) -> bool

eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QDialog type>

X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool

exec = <unbound qt slot py_q_exec of QDialog type>

X.exec(a) -> int

findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QDialog type>

X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QDialog type>

X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple

finished = <unbound qt signal finished of QDialog type>
focus = None
focusInEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusInEvent of QDialog type>

X.focusInEvent(a, b)

focusNextChild = <unbound qt slot focusNextChild of QDialog type>

X.focusNextChild(a) -> bool

focusNextPrevChild = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusNextPrevChild of QDialog type>

X.focusNextPrevChild(a, b) -> bool

focusOutEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusOutEvent of QDialog type>

X.focusOutEvent(a, b)

focusPolicy = None
focusPreviousChild = <unbound qt slot focusPreviousChild of QDialog type>

X.focusPreviousChild(a) -> bool

focusProxy = <unbound qt slot focusProxy of QDialog type>

X.focusProxy(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

focusWidget = <unbound qt slot focusWidget of QDialog type>

X.focusWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

font = QFont (QFont at: 0x0)
foregroundRole = <unbound qt slot foregroundRole of QDialog type>


frameGeometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
frameSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
fullScreen = None
geometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
grab = <unbound qt slot grab of QDialog type>

X.grab(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPixmap

grabGesture = <unbound qt slot grabGesture of QDialog type>

X.grabGesture(a, b, c)

grabKeyboard = <unbound qt slot grabKeyboard of QDialog type>


grabMouse = <unbound qt slot grabMouse of QDialog type>

X.grabMouse(a, b)

grabShortcut = <unbound qt slot grabShortcut of QDialog type>

X.grabShortcut(a, b, c) -> int

graphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot graphicsEffect of QDialog type>

X.graphicsEffect(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QGraphicsEffect

graphicsProxyWidget = <unbound qt slot graphicsProxyWidget of QDialog type>

X.graphicsProxyWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QGraphicsProxyWidget

hasFocus = <unbound qt slot hasFocus of QDialog type>

X.hasFocus(a) -> bool

hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QDialog type>

X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool

hasMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot hasMouseTracking of QDialog type>

X.hasMouseTracking(a) -> bool

height = None
heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QDialog type>

X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int

heightMM = <unbound qt slot heightMM of QDialog type>

X.heightMM(a) -> int

help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Shows the help of available methods for this class

hide = <unbound qt slot hide of QDialog type>


hideEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_hideEvent of QDialog type>

X.hideEvent(a, b)

inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name

initPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_initPainter of QDialog type>

X.initPainter(a, b)

inputMethodEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodEvent of QDialog type>

X.inputMethodEvent(a, b)

inputMethodHints = None
inputMethodQuery = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodQuery of QDialog type>

X.inputMethodQuery(a, b) -> object

insertAction = <unbound qt slot insertAction of QDialog type>

X.insertAction(a, b, c)

insertActions = <unbound qt slot insertActions of QDialog type>

X.insertActions(a, b, c)

installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QDialog type>

X.installEventFilter(a, b)

isActiveWindow = None
isAncestorOf = <unbound qt slot isAncestorOf of QDialog type>

X.isAncestorOf(a, b) -> bool

isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QDialog type>

X.isEnabled(a) -> bool

isEnabledTo = <unbound qt slot isEnabledTo of QDialog type>

X.isEnabledTo(a, b) -> bool

isFullScreen = <unbound qt slot isFullScreen of QDialog type>

X.isFullScreen(a) -> bool

isHidden = <unbound qt slot isHidden of QDialog type>

X.isHidden(a) -> bool

isLeftToRight = <unbound qt slot isLeftToRight of QDialog type>

X.isLeftToRight(a) -> bool

isMaximized = <unbound qt slot isMaximized of QDialog type>

X.isMaximized(a) -> bool

isMinimized = <unbound qt slot isMinimized of QDialog type>

X.isMinimized(a) -> bool

isModal = <unbound qt slot isModal of QDialog type>

X.isModal(a) -> bool

isRightToLeft = <unbound qt slot isRightToLeft of QDialog type>

X.isRightToLeft(a) -> bool

isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QDialog type>

X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool

isSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot isSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>

X.isSizeGripEnabled(a) -> bool

isVisible = <unbound qt slot isVisible of QDialog type>

X.isVisible(a) -> bool

isVisibleTo = <unbound qt slot isVisibleTo of QDialog type>

X.isVisibleTo(a, b) -> bool

isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QDialog type>

X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool

isWindow = <unbound qt slot isWindow of QDialog type>

X.isWindow(a) -> bool

isWindowModified = <unbound qt slot isWindowModified of QDialog type>

X.isWindowModified(a) -> bool

isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QDialog type>

X.isWindowType(a) -> bool

keyPressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyPressEvent of QDialog type>

X.keyPressEvent(a, b)

keyReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyReleaseEvent of QDialog type>

X.keyReleaseEvent(a, b)

keyboardGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_keyboardGrabber of QDialog type>

X.keyboardGrabber() -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QDialog type>

X.killTimer(a, b)

layout = <unbound qt slot layout of QDialog type>

X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout

layoutDirection = None
leaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_leaveEvent of QDialog type>

X.leaveEvent(a, b)

locale = QLocale (QLocale at: 0x0)
logicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiX of QDialog type>

X.logicalDpiX(a) -> int

logicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiY of QDialog type>

X.logicalDpiY(a) -> int

lower = <unbound qt slot lower of QDialog type>


mapFrom = <unbound qt slot mapFrom of QDialog type>

X.mapFrom(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mapFromGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapFromGlobal of QDialog type>

X.mapFromGlobal(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mapFromParent = <unbound qt slot mapFromParent of QDialog type>

X.mapFromParent(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mapTo = <unbound qt slot mapTo of QDialog type>

X.mapTo(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mapToGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapToGlobal of QDialog type>

X.mapToGlobal(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mapToParent = <unbound qt slot mapToParent of QDialog type>

X.mapToParent(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint

mask = <unbound qt slot mask of QDialog type>

X.mask(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QRegion

maximized = None
maximumHeight = None
maximumSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
maximumWidth = None
metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QDialog type>

X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject

metric = <unbound qt slot py_q_metric of QDialog type>

X.metric(a, b) -> int

minimized = None
minimumHeight = None
minimumSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
minimumSizeHint = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
minimumWidth = None
modal = None
mouseDoubleClickEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseDoubleClickEvent of QDialog type>

X.mouseDoubleClickEvent(a, b)

mouseGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_mouseGrabber of QDialog type>

X.mouseGrabber() -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

mouseMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseMoveEvent of QDialog type>

X.mouseMoveEvent(a, b)

mousePressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mousePressEvent of QDialog type>

X.mousePressEvent(a, b)

mouseReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseReleaseEvent of QDialog type>

X.mouseReleaseEvent(a, b)

mouseTracking = None
move = <unbound qt slot move of QDialog type>

X.move(a, b, c)

moveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_moveEvent of QDialog type>

X.moveEvent(a, b)

moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QDialog type>

X.moveToThread(a, b)

nativeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_nativeEvent of QDialog type>

X.nativeEvent(a, b, c, d) -> bool

nativeParentWidget = <unbound qt slot nativeParentWidget of QDialog type>

X.nativeParentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

nextInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot nextInFocusChain of QDialog type>

X.nextInFocusChain(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

normalGeometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QDialog type>
open = <unbound qt slot py_q_open of QDialog type>


overrideWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowFlags of QDialog type>

X.overrideWindowFlags(a, b)

overrideWindowState = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowState of QDialog type>

X.overrideWindowState(a, b)

paintEngine = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEngine of QDialog type>

X.paintEngine(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPaintEngine

paintEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEvent of QDialog type>

X.paintEvent(a, b)

paintingActive = <unbound qt slot paintingActive of QDialog type>

X.paintingActive(a) -> bool

palette = QPalette (QPalette at: 0x0)
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QDialog type>

X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QDialog type>

X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

physicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiX of QDialog type>

X.physicalDpiX(a) -> int

physicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiY of QDialog type>

X.physicalDpiY(a) -> int

pos = QPoint (QPoint at: 0x0)
previousInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot previousInFocusChain of QDialog type>

X.previousInFocusChain(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

property = <unbound qt slot property of QDialog type>

X.property(a, b) -> object

raise = <unbound qt slot raise of QDialog type>


rect = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
redirected = <unbound qt slot py_q_redirected of QDialog type>

X.redirected(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPaintDevice

reject = <unbound qt slot py_q_reject of QDialog type>


rejected = <unbound qt signal rejected of QDialog type>
releaseKeyboard = <unbound qt slot releaseKeyboard of QDialog type>


releaseMouse = <unbound qt slot releaseMouse of QDialog type>


releaseShortcut = <unbound qt slot releaseShortcut of QDialog type>

X.releaseShortcut(a, b)

removeAction = <unbound qt slot removeAction of QDialog type>

X.removeAction(a, b)

removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QDialog type>

X.removeEventFilter(a, b)

render = <unbound qt slot render of QDialog type>

X.render(a, b, c, d, e)

repaint = <unbound qt slot repaint of QDialog type>

X.repaint(a, b, c, d, e)

resize = <unbound qt slot resize of QDialog type>

X.resize(a, b, c)

resizeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_resizeEvent of QDialog type>

X.resizeEvent(a, b)

restoreGeometry = <unbound qt slot restoreGeometry of QDialog type>

X.restoreGeometry(a, b) -> bool

result = <unbound qt slot result of QDialog type>

X.result(a) -> int

saveGeometry = <unbound qt slot saveGeometry of QDialog type>

X.saveGeometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QByteArray

scroll = <unbound qt slot scroll of QDialog type>

X.scroll(a, b, c, d)

sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QDialog type>

X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QDialog type>

X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int

setAcceptDrops = <unbound qt slot setAcceptDrops of QDialog type>

X.setAcceptDrops(a, b)

setAccessibleDescription = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleDescription of QDialog type>

X.setAccessibleDescription(a, b)

setAccessibleName = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleName of QDialog type>

X.setAccessibleName(a, b)

setAttribute = <unbound qt slot setAttribute of QDialog type>

X.setAttribute(a, b, c)

setAutoFillBackground = <unbound qt slot setAutoFillBackground of QDialog type>

X.setAutoFillBackground(a, b)

setBackgroundRole = <unbound qt slot setBackgroundRole of QDialog type>

X.setBackgroundRole(a, b)

setBaseSize = <unbound qt slot setBaseSize of QDialog type>

X.setBaseSize(a, b, c)

setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QDialog type>

X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)

setContextMenuPolicy = <unbound qt slot setContextMenuPolicy of QDialog type>

X.setContextMenuPolicy(a, b)

setCursor = <unbound qt slot setCursor of QDialog type>

X.setCursor(a, b)

setDisabled = <unbound qt slot setDisabled of QDialog type>


setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QDialog type>


setFixedHeight = <unbound qt slot setFixedHeight of QDialog type>

X.setFixedHeight(a, b)

setFixedSize = <unbound qt slot setFixedSize of QDialog type>

X.setFixedSize(a, b, c)

setFixedWidth = <unbound qt slot setFixedWidth of QDialog type>

X.setFixedWidth(a, b)

setFocus = <unbound qt slot setFocus of QDialog type>

X.setFocus(a, b)

setFocusPolicy = <unbound qt slot setFocusPolicy of QDialog type>

X.setFocusPolicy(a, b)

setFocusProxy = <unbound qt slot setFocusProxy of QDialog type>

X.setFocusProxy(a, b)

setFont = <unbound qt slot setFont of QDialog type>

X.setFont(a, b)

setForegroundRole = <unbound qt slot setForegroundRole of QDialog type>

X.setForegroundRole(a, b)

setGeometry = <unbound qt slot setGeometry of QDialog type>

X.setGeometry(a, b, c, d, e)

setGraphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot setGraphicsEffect of QDialog type>

X.setGraphicsEffect(a, b)

setHidden = <unbound qt slot setHidden of QDialog type>


setInputMethodHints = <unbound qt slot setInputMethodHints of QDialog type>

X.setInputMethodHints(a, b)

setLayout = <unbound qt slot setLayout of QDialog type>

X.setLayout(a, b)

setLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot setLayoutDirection of QDialog type>

X.setLayoutDirection(a, b)

setLocale = <unbound qt slot setLocale of QDialog type>

X.setLocale(a, b)

setMask = <unbound qt slot setMask of QDialog type>

X.setMask(a, b)

setMaximumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMaximumHeight of QDialog type>

X.setMaximumHeight(a, b)

setMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot setMaximumSize of QDialog type>

X.setMaximumSize(a, b, c)

setMaximumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMaximumWidth of QDialog type>

X.setMaximumWidth(a, b)

setMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMinimumHeight of QDialog type>

X.setMinimumHeight(a, b)

setMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot setMinimumSize of QDialog type>

X.setMinimumSize(a, b, c)

setMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMinimumWidth of QDialog type>

X.setMinimumWidth(a, b)

setModal = <unbound qt slot setModal of QDialog type>

X.setModal(a, b)

setMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot setMouseTracking of QDialog type>

X.setMouseTracking(a, b)

setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QDialog type>

X.setObjectName(a, b)

setPalette = <unbound qt slot setPalette of QDialog type>

X.setPalette(a, b)

setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QDialog type>

X.setParent(a, b, c)

setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QDialog type>

X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool

setResult = <unbound qt slot setResult of QDialog type>

X.setResult(a, b)

setShortcutAutoRepeat = <unbound qt slot setShortcutAutoRepeat of QDialog type>

X.setShortcutAutoRepeat(a, b, c)

setShortcutEnabled = <unbound qt slot setShortcutEnabled of QDialog type>

X.setShortcutEnabled(a, b, c)

setSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot setSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>

X.setSizeGripEnabled(a, b)

setSizeIncrement = <unbound qt slot setSizeIncrement of QDialog type>

X.setSizeIncrement(a, b, c)

setSizePolicy = <unbound qt slot setSizePolicy of QDialog type>

X.setSizePolicy(a, b, c)

setStatusTip = <unbound qt slot setStatusTip of QDialog type>

X.setStatusTip(a, b)

setStyle = <unbound qt slot setStyle of QDialog type>

X.setStyle(a, b)

setStyleSheet = <unbound qt slot setStyleSheet of QDialog type>


setTabOrder = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_setTabOrder of QDialog type>

X.setTabOrder(a, b)

setToolTip = <unbound qt slot setToolTip of QDialog type>

X.setToolTip(a, b)

setToolTipDuration = <unbound qt slot setToolTipDuration of QDialog type>

X.setToolTipDuration(a, b)

setUpdatesEnabled = <unbound qt slot setUpdatesEnabled of QDialog type>

X.setUpdatesEnabled(a, b)

setVisible = <unbound qt slot py_q_setVisible of QDialog type>

X.setVisible(a, b)

setWhatsThis = <unbound qt slot setWhatsThis of QDialog type>

X.setWhatsThis(a, b)

setWindowFilePath = <unbound qt slot setWindowFilePath of QDialog type>

X.setWindowFilePath(a, b)

setWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot setWindowFlags of QDialog type>

X.setWindowFlags(a, b)

setWindowIcon = <unbound qt slot setWindowIcon of QDialog type>

X.setWindowIcon(a, b)

setWindowIconText = <unbound qt slot setWindowIconText of QDialog type>

X.setWindowIconText(a, b)

setWindowModality = <unbound qt slot setWindowModality of QDialog type>

X.setWindowModality(a, b)

setWindowModified = <unbound qt slot setWindowModified of QDialog type>


setWindowOpacity = <unbound qt slot setWindowOpacity of QDialog type>

X.setWindowOpacity(a, b)

setWindowRole = <unbound qt slot setWindowRole of QDialog type>

X.setWindowRole(a, b)

setWindowState = <unbound qt slot setWindowState of QDialog type>

X.setWindowState(a, b)

setWindowTitle = <unbound qt slot setWindowTitle of QDialog type>


sharedPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_sharedPainter of QDialog type>

X.sharedPainter(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPainter

show = <unbound qt slot show of QDialog type>


showEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_showEvent of QDialog type>

X.showEvent(a, b)

showExtension = <unbound qt slot showExtension of QDialog type>


showFullScreen = <unbound qt slot showFullScreen of QDialog type>


showMaximized = <unbound qt slot showMaximized of QDialog type>


showMinimized = <unbound qt slot showMinimized of QDialog type>


showNormal = <unbound qt slot showNormal of QDialog type>


signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QDialog type>

X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool

size = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizeGripEnabled = None
sizeHint = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizeIncrement = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizePolicy = QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy at: 0x0)
stackUnder = <unbound qt slot stackUnder of QDialog type>

X.stackUnder(a, b)

startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QDialog type>

X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int

statusTip = None
style = <unbound qt slot style of QDialog type>

X.style(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QStyle

styleSheet = None
tabletEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_tabletEvent of QDialog type>

X.tabletEvent(a, b)

tabletTracking = None
testAttribute = <unbound qt slot testAttribute of QDialog type>

X.testAttribute(a, b) -> bool

thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QDialog type>


timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QDialog type>

X.timerEvent(a, b)

toolTip = None
toolTipDuration = None
tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QDialog type>

X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str

underMouse = <unbound qt slot underMouse of QDialog type>

X.underMouse(a) -> bool

ungrabGesture = <unbound qt slot ungrabGesture of QDialog type>

X.ungrabGesture(a, b)

unsetCursor = <unbound qt slot unsetCursor of QDialog type>


unsetLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot unsetLayoutDirection of QDialog type>


unsetLocale = <unbound qt slot unsetLocale of QDialog type>


update = <unbound qt slot update of QDialog type>

X.update(a, b, c, d, e)

updateGeometry = <unbound qt slot updateGeometry of QDialog type>


updatesEnabled = None
visible = None
visibleRegion = <unbound qt slot visibleRegion of QDialog type>

X.visibleRegion(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QRegion

whatsThis = None
wheelEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_wheelEvent of QDialog type>

X.wheelEvent(a, b)

width = None
widthMM = <unbound qt slot widthMM of QDialog type>

X.widthMM(a) -> int

winId = <unbound qt slot winId of QDialog type>


window = <unbound qt slot window of QDialog type>

X.window(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

windowFilePath = None
windowFlags = <unbound qt slot windowFlags of QDialog type>


windowHandle = <unbound qt slot windowHandle of QDialog type>

X.windowHandle(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWindow

windowIcon = QIcon (QIcon at: 0x0)
windowIconChanged = <unbound qt signal windowIconChanged of QDialog type>
windowIconText = None
windowIconTextChanged = <unbound qt signal windowIconTextChanged of QDialog type>
windowModality = None
windowModified = None
windowOpacity = None
windowRole = <unbound qt slot windowRole of QDialog type>

X.windowRole(a) -> str

windowState = <unbound qt slot windowState of QDialog type>


windowTitle = None
windowTitleChanged = <unbound qt signal windowTitleChanged of QDialog type>
windowType = <unbound qt slot windowType of QDialog type>


x = None
y = None

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QDialog


dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper


x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name


x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)


x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


x.__lt__(y) <==> x


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value


x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

new = <built-in method new of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

class QGridLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QGridLayout)

Method resolution order:


init(self, *args, **kwargs)


SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QGridLayout type>

X.activate(a) -> bool

addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QGridLayout type>

X.addChildLayout(a, b)

addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QGridLayout type>

X.addChildWidget(a, b)

addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QGridLayout type>

X.addItem(a, b)

addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QGridLayout type>

X.addLayout(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QGridLayout type>

X.addWidget(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)

adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QGridLayout type>

X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool

alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QGridLayout type>


alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QGridLayout type>

X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QGridLayout type>

X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool

cellRect = <unbound qt slot cellRect of QGridLayout type>

X.cellRect(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QGridLayout type>

X.childEvent(a, b)

children = <unbound qt slot children of QGridLayout type>

X.children(a) -> tuple

className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Return the classname of the object

closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QGridLayout type>

X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

columnCount = <unbound qt slot columnCount of QGridLayout type>

X.columnCount(a) -> int

columnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot columnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.columnMinimumWidth(a, b) -> int

columnStretch = <unbound qt slot columnStretch of QGridLayout type>

X.columnStretch(a, b) -> int

connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QGridLayout type>

X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool

contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QGridLayout type>

X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins

contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QGridLayout type>

X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QGridLayout type>


count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QGridLayout type>

X.count(a) -> int

customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QGridLayout type>

X.customEvent(a, b)

delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Deletes the given C++ object

deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QGridLayout type>


destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QGridLayout type>
disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QGridLayout type>

X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool

dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QGridLayout type>


dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QGridLayout type>


dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QGridLayout type>


event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QGridLayout type>

X.event(a, b) -> bool

eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QGridLayout type>

X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool

expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QGridLayout type>


findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QGridLayout type>

X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QGridLayout type>

X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple

geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QGridLayout type>

X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool

heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int

help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Shows the help of available methods for this class

horizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot horizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>

X.horizontalSpacing(a) -> int

indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QGridLayout type>

X.indexOf(a, b) -> int

inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name

installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QGridLayout type>

X.installEventFilter(a, b)

invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QGridLayout type>


isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QGridLayout type>

X.isEmpty(a) -> bool

isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QGridLayout type>

X.isEnabled(a) -> bool

isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QGridLayout type>

X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool

isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QGridLayout type>

X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool

isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QGridLayout type>

X.isWindowType(a) -> bool

itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QGridLayout type>

X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

itemAtPosition = <unbound qt slot itemAtPosition of QGridLayout type>

X.itemAtPosition(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QGridLayout type>

X.killTimer(a, b)

layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QGridLayout type>

X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout

margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QGridLayout type>

X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QGridLayout type>

X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QGridLayout type>

X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject

minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QGridLayout type>

X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QGridLayout type>

X.moveToThread(a, b)

objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QGridLayout type>
originCorner = <unbound qt slot originCorner of QGridLayout type>


parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QGridLayout type>

X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QGridLayout type>

X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

property = <unbound qt slot property of QGridLayout type>

X.property(a, b) -> object

removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QGridLayout type>

X.removeEventFilter(a, b)

removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QGridLayout type>

X.removeItem(a, b)

removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QGridLayout type>

X.removeWidget(a, b)

replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QGridLayout type>

X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

rowCount = <unbound qt slot rowCount of QGridLayout type>

X.rowCount(a) -> int

rowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot rowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>

X.rowMinimumHeight(a, b) -> int

rowStretch = <unbound qt slot rowStretch of QGridLayout type>

X.rowStretch(a, b) -> int

sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QGridLayout type>

X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QGridLayout type>

X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int

setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QGridLayout type>

X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool

setColumnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setColumnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.setColumnMinimumWidth(a, b, c)

setColumnStretch = <unbound qt slot setColumnStretch of QGridLayout type>

X.setColumnStretch(a, b, c)

setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QGridLayout type>

X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)

setDefaultPositioning = <unbound qt slot setDefaultPositioning of QGridLayout type>

X.setDefaultPositioning(a, b, c)

setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QGridLayout type>

X.setEnabled(a, b)

setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QGridLayout type>

X.setGeometry(a, b)

setHorizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setHorizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>

X.setHorizontalSpacing(a, b)

setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QGridLayout type>

X.setMargin(a, b)

setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QGridLayout type>

X.setMenuBar(a, b)

setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QGridLayout type>

X.setObjectName(a, b)

setOriginCorner = <unbound qt slot setOriginCorner of QGridLayout type>

X.setOriginCorner(a, b)

setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QGridLayout type>

X.setParent(a, b)

setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QGridLayout type>

X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool

setRowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setRowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>

X.setRowMinimumHeight(a, b, c)

setRowStretch = <unbound qt slot setRowStretch of QGridLayout type>

X.setRowStretch(a, b, c)

setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QGridLayout type>

X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)

setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QGridLayout type>

X.setSpacing(a, b)

setVerticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setVerticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>

X.setVerticalSpacing(a, b)

signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QGridLayout type>

X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool

sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QGridLayout type>

X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QGridLayout type>

X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem

spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QGridLayout type>

X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int

takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QGridLayout type>

X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QGridLayout type>


timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QGridLayout type>

X.timerEvent(a, b)

totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>

X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QGridLayout type>

X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QGridLayout type>

X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QGridLayout type>

X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QGridLayout type>

X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str

update = <unbound qt slot update of QGridLayout type>


verticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot verticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>

X.verticalSpacing(a) -> int

widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QGridLayout type>

X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QGridLayout type>

X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QGridLayout


dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper


x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name


x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)


x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


x.__lt__(y) <==> x


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value


x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

new = <built-in method new of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

class QHBoxLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QHBoxLayout)

Method resolution order:


init(self, *args, **kwargs)


BottomToTop = 3
Direction = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.Direction'>
Down = 2
LeftToRight = 0
RightToLeft = 1
SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
TopToBottom = 2
Up = 3
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QHBoxLayout type>

X.activate(a) -> bool

addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addChildLayout(a, b)

addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addChildWidget(a, b)

addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addItem(a, b)

addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addLayout(a, b, c)

addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addSpacerItem(a, b)

addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addSpacing(a, b)

addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addStretch(a, b)

addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addStrut(a, b)

addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.addWidget(a, b, c, d)

adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QHBoxLayout type>

X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool

alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QHBoxLayout type>


alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QHBoxLayout type>

X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QHBoxLayout type>

X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool

childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.childEvent(a, b)

children = <unbound qt slot children of QHBoxLayout type>

X.children(a) -> tuple

className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Return the classname of the object

closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QHBoxLayout type>

X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QHBoxLayout type>

X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool

contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>

X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins

contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QHBoxLayout type>

X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QHBoxLayout type>


count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QHBoxLayout type>

X.count(a) -> int

customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.customEvent(a, b)

delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Deletes the given C++ object

deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QHBoxLayout type>


destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QHBoxLayout type>
direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QHBoxLayout type>


disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QHBoxLayout type>

X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool

dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QHBoxLayout type>


dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QHBoxLayout type>


dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QHBoxLayout type>


event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QHBoxLayout type>

X.event(a, b) -> bool

eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>

X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool

expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QHBoxLayout type>


findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QHBoxLayout type>

X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QHBoxLayout type>

X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple

geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QHBoxLayout type>

X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>

X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool

heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>

X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int

help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Shows the help of available methods for this class

indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QHBoxLayout type>

X.indexOf(a, b) -> int

inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name

insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertItem(a, b, c)

insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertLayout(a, b, c, d)

insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertSpacerItem(a, b, c)

insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertSpacing(a, b, c)

insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertStretch(a, b, c)

insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.insertWidget(a, b, c, d, e)

installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>

X.installEventFilter(a, b)

invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QHBoxLayout type>


isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QHBoxLayout type>

X.isEmpty(a) -> bool

isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>

X.isEnabled(a) -> bool

isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QHBoxLayout type>

X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool

isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QHBoxLayout type>

X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool

isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QHBoxLayout type>

X.isWindowType(a) -> bool

itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QHBoxLayout type>

X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QHBoxLayout type>

X.killTimer(a, b)

layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QHBoxLayout type>

X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout

margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>

X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QHBoxLayout type>

X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QHBoxLayout type>

X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject

minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>

X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>

X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QHBoxLayout type>

X.moveToThread(a, b)

objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QHBoxLayout type>
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

property = <unbound qt slot property of QHBoxLayout type>

X.property(a, b) -> object

removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>

X.removeEventFilter(a, b)

removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.removeItem(a, b)

removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.removeWidget(a, b)

replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QHBoxLayout type>

X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QHBoxLayout type>

X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int

setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool

setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)

setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setDirection(a, b)

setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setEnabled(a, b)

setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setGeometry(a, b)

setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setMargin(a, b)

setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setMenuBar(a, b)

setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setObjectName(a, b)

setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setParent(a, b)

setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool

setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)

setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setSpacing(a, b)

setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setStretch(a, b, c)

setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QHBoxLayout type>

X.setStretchFactor(a, b, c) -> bool

signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QHBoxLayout type>

X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool

sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>

X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>

X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem

spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QHBoxLayout type>

X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int

stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QHBoxLayout type>

X.stretch(a, b) -> int

takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QHBoxLayout type>

X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QHBoxLayout type>


timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.timerEvent(a, b)

totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>

X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>

X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>

X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>

X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QHBoxLayout type>

X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str

update = <unbound qt slot update of QHBoxLayout type>


widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QHBoxLayout type>

X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QHBoxLayout type>

X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QHBoxLayout


dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper


x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name


x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)


x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


x.__lt__(y) <==> x


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value


x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

new = <built-in method new of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T

class QVBoxLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QVBoxLayout)

Method resolution order:


init(self, *args, **kwargs)


BottomToTop = 3
Direction = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.Direction'>
Down = 2
LeftToRight = 0
RightToLeft = 1
SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
TopToBottom = 2
Up = 3
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QVBoxLayout type>

X.activate(a) -> bool

addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addChildLayout(a, b)

addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addChildWidget(a, b)

addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addItem(a, b)

addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addLayout(a, b, c)

addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addSpacerItem(a, b)

addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addSpacing(a, b)

addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addStretch(a, b)

addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addStrut(a, b)

addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.addWidget(a, b, c, d)

adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QVBoxLayout type>

X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool

alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QVBoxLayout type>


alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QVBoxLayout type>

X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QVBoxLayout type>

X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool

childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.childEvent(a, b)

children = <unbound qt slot children of QVBoxLayout type>

X.children(a) -> tuple

className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Return the classname of the object

closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QVBoxLayout type>

X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QVBoxLayout type>

X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool

contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>

X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins

contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QVBoxLayout type>

X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QVBoxLayout type>


count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QVBoxLayout type>

X.count(a) -> int

customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.customEvent(a, b)

delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Deletes the given C++ object

deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QVBoxLayout type>


destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QVBoxLayout type>
direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QVBoxLayout type>


disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QVBoxLayout type>

X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool

dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QVBoxLayout type>


dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QVBoxLayout type>


dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QVBoxLayout type>


event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QVBoxLayout type>

X.event(a, b) -> bool

eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>

X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool

expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QVBoxLayout type>


findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QVBoxLayout type>

X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QVBoxLayout type>

X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple

geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QVBoxLayout type>

X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect

hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>

X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool

heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>

X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int

help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Shows the help of available methods for this class

indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QVBoxLayout type>

X.indexOf(a, b) -> int

inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name

insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertItem(a, b, c)

insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertLayout(a, b, c, d)

insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertSpacerItem(a, b, c)

insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertSpacing(a, b, c)

insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertStretch(a, b, c)

insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.insertWidget(a, b, c, d, e)

installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>

X.installEventFilter(a, b)

invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QVBoxLayout type>


isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QVBoxLayout type>

X.isEmpty(a) -> bool

isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>

X.isEnabled(a) -> bool

isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QVBoxLayout type>

X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool

isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QVBoxLayout type>

X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool

isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QVBoxLayout type>

X.isWindowType(a) -> bool

itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QVBoxLayout type>

X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QVBoxLayout type>

X.killTimer(a, b)

layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QVBoxLayout type>

X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout

margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>

X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QVBoxLayout type>

X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QVBoxLayout type>

X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject

minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>

X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>

X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QVBoxLayout type>

X.moveToThread(a, b)

objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QVBoxLayout type>
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

property = <unbound qt slot property of QVBoxLayout type>

X.property(a, b) -> object

removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>

X.removeEventFilter(a, b)

removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.removeItem(a, b)

removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.removeWidget(a, b)

replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QVBoxLayout type>

X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject

senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QVBoxLayout type>

X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int

setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool

setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)

setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setDirection(a, b)

setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setEnabled(a, b)

setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setGeometry(a, b)

setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setMargin(a, b)

setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setMenuBar(a, b)

setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setObjectName(a, b)

setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setParent(a, b)

setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool

setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)

setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setSpacing(a, b)

setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setStretch(a, b, c)

setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QVBoxLayout type>

X.setStretchFactor(a, b, c) -> bool

signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QVBoxLayout type>

X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool

sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>

X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>

X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem

spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QVBoxLayout type>

X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int

stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QVBoxLayout type>

X.stretch(a, b) -> int

takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QVBoxLayout type>

X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem

thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QVBoxLayout type>


timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.timerEvent(a, b)

totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>

X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int

totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>

X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>

X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>

X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize

tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QVBoxLayout type>

X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str

update = <unbound qt slot update of QVBoxLayout type>


widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QVBoxLayout type>

X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget

widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QVBoxLayout type>

X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QVBoxLayout


dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper


x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name


x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y


x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y


x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name


x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y


x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)


x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y


x.__lt__(y) <==> x


x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y


x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0


x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)


x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value


x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

new = <built-in method new of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>

T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T




typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog = class QDialog(PythonQt.QtGui.QDialog)

Method resolution order:


__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)


Accepted = 1
DialogCode = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.DialogCode'>
DrawChildren = 2
DrawWindowBackground = 1
IgnoreMask = 4
PaintDeviceMetric = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.PaintDeviceMetric'>
PdmDepth = 6
PdmDevicePixelRatio = 11
PdmDevicePixelRatioScaled = 12
PdmDpiX = 7
PdmDpiY = 8
PdmHeight = 2
PdmHeightMM = 4
PdmNumColors = 5
PdmPhysicalDpiX = 9
PdmPhysicalDpiY = 10
PdmWidth = 1
PdmWidthMM = 3
Rejected = 0
RenderFlag = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.RenderFlag'>
RenderFlags = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.RenderFlags'>
accept = <unbound qt slot py_q_accept of QDialog type>
acceptDrops = None
accepted = <unbound qt signal accepted of QDialog type>
accessibleDescription = None
accessibleName = None
actionEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_actionEvent of QDialog type>
X.actionEvent(a, b)
actions = <unbound qt slot actions of QDialog type>
X.actions(a) -> tuple
activateWindow = <unbound qt slot activateWindow of QDialog type>
addAction = <unbound qt slot addAction of QDialog type>
X.addAction(a, b)
addActions = <unbound qt slot addActions of QDialog type>
X.addActions(a, b)
adjustPosition = <unbound qt slot adjustPosition of QDialog type>
X.adjustPosition(a, b)
adjustSize = <unbound qt slot adjustSize of QDialog type>
autoFillBackground = None
backgroundRole = <unbound qt slot backgroundRole of QDialog type>
backingStore = <unbound qt slot backingStore of QDialog type>
X.backingStore(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QBackingStore
baseSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QDialog type>
X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool
changeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_changeEvent of QDialog type>
X.changeEvent(a, b)
childAt = <unbound qt slot childAt of QDialog type>
X.childAt(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QDialog type>
X.childEvent(a, b)
children = <unbound qt slot children of QDialog type>
X.children(a) -> tuple
childrenRect = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
childrenRegion = QRegion (QRegion at: 0x0)
className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Return the classname of the object
clearFocus = <unbound qt slot clearFocus of QDialog type>
clearMask = <unbound qt slot clearMask of QDialog type>
close = <unbound qt slot close of QDialog type>
X.close() -> bool
closeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_closeEvent of QDialog type>
X.closeEvent(a, b)
colorCount = <unbound qt slot colorCount of QDialog type>
X.colorCount(a) -> int
connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QDialog type>
X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool
contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QDialog type>
X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins
contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QDialog type>
X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
contextMenuEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_contextMenuEvent of QDialog type>
X.contextMenuEvent(a, b)
contextMenuPolicy = None
createWinId = <unbound qt slot createWinId of QDialog type>
createWindowContainer = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_createWindowContainer of QDialog type>
X.createWindowContainer(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
cursor = QCursor (QCursor at: 0x0)
customContextMenuRequested = <unbound qt signal customContextMenuRequested of QDialog type>
customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QDialog type>
X.customEvent(a, b)
delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Deletes the given C++ object
deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QDialog type>
depth = <unbound qt slot depth of QDialog type>
X.depth(a) -> int
destroy = <unbound qt slot destroy of QDialog type>
X.destroy(a, b, c)
destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QDialog type>
devType = <unbound qt slot py_q_devType of QDialog type>
X.devType(a) -> int
devicePixelRatio = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatio of QDialog type>
X.devicePixelRatio(a) -> int
devicePixelRatioF = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatioF of QDialog type>
X.devicePixelRatioF(a) -> float
devicePixelRatioFScale = <unbound qt slot static_QPaintDevice_devicePixelRatioFScale of QDialog type>
X.devicePixelRatioFScale() -> float
disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QDialog type>
X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool
done = <unbound qt slot py_q_done of QDialog type>
X.done(a, b)
dragEnterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragEnterEvent of QDialog type>
X.dragEnterEvent(a, b)
dragLeaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragLeaveEvent of QDialog type>
X.dragLeaveEvent(a, b)
dragMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragMoveEvent of QDialog type>
X.dragMoveEvent(a, b)
dropEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dropEvent of QDialog type>
X.dropEvent(a, b)
dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QDialog type>
dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QDialog type>
dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QDialog type>
effectiveWinId = <unbound qt slot effectiveWinId of QDialog type>
enabled = None
ensurePolished = <unbound qt slot ensurePolished of QDialog type>
enterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_enterEvent of QDialog type>
X.enterEvent(a, b)
event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QDialog type>
X.event(a, b) -> bool
eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QDialog type>
X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool
exec = <unbound qt slot py_q_exec of QDialog type>
X.exec(a) -> int
findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QDialog type>
X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QDialog type>
X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple
finished = <unbound qt signal finished of QDialog type>
focus = None
focusInEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusInEvent of QDialog type>
X.focusInEvent(a, b)
focusNextChild = <unbound qt slot focusNextChild of QDialog type>
X.focusNextChild(a) -> bool
focusNextPrevChild = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusNextPrevChild of QDialog type>
X.focusNextPrevChild(a, b) -> bool
focusOutEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusOutEvent of QDialog type>
X.focusOutEvent(a, b)
focusPolicy = None
focusPreviousChild = <unbound qt slot focusPreviousChild of QDialog type>
X.focusPreviousChild(a) -> bool
focusProxy = <unbound qt slot focusProxy of QDialog type>
X.focusProxy(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
focusWidget = <unbound qt slot focusWidget of QDialog type>
X.focusWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
font = QFont (QFont at: 0x0)
foregroundRole = <unbound qt slot foregroundRole of QDialog type>
frameGeometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
frameSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
fullScreen = None
geometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
grab = <unbound qt slot grab of QDialog type>
X.grab(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPixmap
grabGesture = <unbound qt slot grabGesture of QDialog type>
X.grabGesture(a, b, c)
grabKeyboard = <unbound qt slot grabKeyboard of QDialog type>
grabMouse = <unbound qt slot grabMouse of QDialog type>
X.grabMouse(a, b)
grabShortcut = <unbound qt slot grabShortcut of QDialog type>
X.grabShortcut(a, b, c) -> int
graphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot graphicsEffect of QDialog type>
X.graphicsEffect(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QGraphicsEffect
graphicsProxyWidget = <unbound qt slot graphicsProxyWidget of QDialog type>
X.graphicsProxyWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QGraphicsProxyWidget
hasFocus = <unbound qt slot hasFocus of QDialog type>
X.hasFocus(a) -> bool
hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QDialog type>
X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool
hasMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot hasMouseTracking of QDialog type>
X.hasMouseTracking(a) -> bool
height = None
heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QDialog type>
X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int
heightMM = <unbound qt slot heightMM of QDialog type>
X.heightMM(a) -> int
help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Shows the help of available methods for this class
hide = <unbound qt slot hide of QDialog type>
hideEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_hideEvent of QDialog type>
X.hideEvent(a, b)
inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name
initPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_initPainter of QDialog type>
X.initPainter(a, b)
inputMethodEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodEvent of QDialog type>
X.inputMethodEvent(a, b)
inputMethodHints = None
inputMethodQuery = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodQuery of QDialog type>
X.inputMethodQuery(a, b) -> object
insertAction = <unbound qt slot insertAction of QDialog type>
X.insertAction(a, b, c)
insertActions = <unbound qt slot insertActions of QDialog type>
X.insertActions(a, b, c)
installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QDialog type>
X.installEventFilter(a, b)
isActiveWindow = None
isAncestorOf = <unbound qt slot isAncestorOf of QDialog type>
X.isAncestorOf(a, b) -> bool
isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QDialog type>
X.isEnabled(a) -> bool
isEnabledTo = <unbound qt slot isEnabledTo of QDialog type>
X.isEnabledTo(a, b) -> bool
isFullScreen = <unbound qt slot isFullScreen of QDialog type>
X.isFullScreen(a) -> bool
isHidden = <unbound qt slot isHidden of QDialog type>
X.isHidden(a) -> bool
isLeftToRight = <unbound qt slot isLeftToRight of QDialog type>
X.isLeftToRight(a) -> bool
isMaximized = <unbound qt slot isMaximized of QDialog type>
X.isMaximized(a) -> bool
isMinimized = <unbound qt slot isMinimized of QDialog type>
X.isMinimized(a) -> bool
isModal = <unbound qt slot isModal of QDialog type>
X.isModal(a) -> bool
isRightToLeft = <unbound qt slot isRightToLeft of QDialog type>
X.isRightToLeft(a) -> bool
isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QDialog type>
X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool
isSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot isSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>
X.isSizeGripEnabled(a) -> bool
isVisible = <unbound qt slot isVisible of QDialog type>
X.isVisible(a) -> bool
isVisibleTo = <unbound qt slot isVisibleTo of QDialog type>
X.isVisibleTo(a, b) -> bool
isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QDialog type>
X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool
isWindow = <unbound qt slot isWindow of QDialog type>
X.isWindow(a) -> bool
isWindowModified = <unbound qt slot isWindowModified of QDialog type>
X.isWindowModified(a) -> bool
isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QDialog type>
X.isWindowType(a) -> bool
keyPressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyPressEvent of QDialog type>
X.keyPressEvent(a, b)
keyReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyReleaseEvent of QDialog type>
X.keyReleaseEvent(a, b)
keyboardGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_keyboardGrabber of QDialog type>
X.keyboardGrabber() -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QDialog type>
X.killTimer(a, b)
layout = <unbound qt slot layout of QDialog type>
X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout
layoutDirection = None
leaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_leaveEvent of QDialog type>
X.leaveEvent(a, b)
locale = QLocale (QLocale at: 0x0)
logicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiX of QDialog type>
X.logicalDpiX(a) -> int
logicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiY of QDialog type>
X.logicalDpiY(a) -> int
lower = <unbound qt slot lower of QDialog type>
mapFrom = <unbound qt slot mapFrom of QDialog type>
X.mapFrom(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mapFromGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapFromGlobal of QDialog type>
X.mapFromGlobal(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mapFromParent = <unbound qt slot mapFromParent of QDialog type>
X.mapFromParent(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mapTo = <unbound qt slot mapTo of QDialog type>
X.mapTo(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mapToGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapToGlobal of QDialog type>
X.mapToGlobal(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mapToParent = <unbound qt slot mapToParent of QDialog type>
X.mapToParent(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QPoint
mask = <unbound qt slot mask of QDialog type>
X.mask(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QRegion
maximized = None
maximumHeight = None
maximumSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
maximumWidth = None
metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QDialog type>
X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject
metric = <unbound qt slot py_q_metric of QDialog type>
X.metric(a, b) -> int
minimized = None
minimumHeight = None
minimumSize = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
minimumSizeHint = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
minimumWidth = None
modal = None
mouseDoubleClickEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseDoubleClickEvent of QDialog type>
X.mouseDoubleClickEvent(a, b)
mouseGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_mouseGrabber of QDialog type>
X.mouseGrabber() -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
mouseMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseMoveEvent of QDialog type>
X.mouseMoveEvent(a, b)
mousePressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mousePressEvent of QDialog type>
X.mousePressEvent(a, b)
mouseReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseReleaseEvent of QDialog type>
X.mouseReleaseEvent(a, b)
mouseTracking = None
move = <unbound qt slot move of QDialog type>
X.move(a, b, c)
moveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_moveEvent of QDialog type>
X.moveEvent(a, b)
moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QDialog type>
X.moveToThread(a, b)
nativeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_nativeEvent of QDialog type>
X.nativeEvent(a, b, c, d) -> bool
nativeParentWidget = <unbound qt slot nativeParentWidget of QDialog type>
X.nativeParentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
nextInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot nextInFocusChain of QDialog type>
X.nextInFocusChain(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
normalGeometry = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QDialog type>
open = <unbound qt slot py_q_open of QDialog type>
overrideWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowFlags of QDialog type>
X.overrideWindowFlags(a, b)
overrideWindowState = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowState of QDialog type>
X.overrideWindowState(a, b)
paintEngine = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEngine of QDialog type>
X.paintEngine(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPaintEngine
paintEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEvent of QDialog type>
X.paintEvent(a, b)
paintingActive = <unbound qt slot paintingActive of QDialog type>
X.paintingActive(a) -> bool
palette = QPalette (QPalette at: 0x0)
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QDialog type>
X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QDialog type>
X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
physicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiX of QDialog type>
X.physicalDpiX(a) -> int
physicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiY of QDialog type>
X.physicalDpiY(a) -> int
pos = QPoint (QPoint at: 0x0)
previousInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot previousInFocusChain of QDialog type>
X.previousInFocusChain(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
property = <unbound qt slot property of QDialog type>
X.property(a, b) -> object
raise = <unbound qt slot raise of QDialog type>
rect = QRect (QRect at: 0x0)
redirected = <unbound qt slot py_q_redirected of QDialog type>
X.redirected(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPaintDevice
reject = <unbound qt slot py_q_reject of QDialog type>
rejected = <unbound qt signal rejected of QDialog type>
releaseKeyboard = <unbound qt slot releaseKeyboard of QDialog type>
releaseMouse = <unbound qt slot releaseMouse of QDialog type>
releaseShortcut = <unbound qt slot releaseShortcut of QDialog type>
X.releaseShortcut(a, b)
removeAction = <unbound qt slot removeAction of QDialog type>
X.removeAction(a, b)
removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QDialog type>
X.removeEventFilter(a, b)
render = <unbound qt slot render of QDialog type>
X.render(a, b, c, d, e)
repaint = <unbound qt slot repaint of QDialog type>
X.repaint(a, b, c, d, e)
resize = <unbound qt slot resize of QDialog type>
X.resize(a, b, c)
resizeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_resizeEvent of QDialog type>
X.resizeEvent(a, b)
restoreGeometry = <unbound qt slot restoreGeometry of QDialog type>
X.restoreGeometry(a, b) -> bool
result = <unbound qt slot result of QDialog type>
X.result(a) -> int
saveGeometry = <unbound qt slot saveGeometry of QDialog type>
X.saveGeometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QByteArray
scroll = <unbound qt slot scroll of QDialog type>
X.scroll(a, b, c, d)
sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QDialog type>
X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QDialog type>
X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int
setAcceptDrops = <unbound qt slot setAcceptDrops of QDialog type>
X.setAcceptDrops(a, b)
setAccessibleDescription = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleDescription of QDialog type>
X.setAccessibleDescription(a, b)
setAccessibleName = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleName of QDialog type>
X.setAccessibleName(a, b)
setAttribute = <unbound qt slot setAttribute of QDialog type>
X.setAttribute(a, b, c)
setAutoFillBackground = <unbound qt slot setAutoFillBackground of QDialog type>
X.setAutoFillBackground(a, b)
setBackgroundRole = <unbound qt slot setBackgroundRole of QDialog type>
X.setBackgroundRole(a, b)
setBaseSize = <unbound qt slot setBaseSize of QDialog type>
X.setBaseSize(a, b, c)
setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QDialog type>
X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)
setContextMenuPolicy = <unbound qt slot setContextMenuPolicy of QDialog type>
X.setContextMenuPolicy(a, b)
setCursor = <unbound qt slot setCursor of QDialog type>
X.setCursor(a, b)
setDisabled = <unbound qt slot setDisabled of QDialog type>
setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QDialog type>
setFixedHeight = <unbound qt slot setFixedHeight of QDialog type>
X.setFixedHeight(a, b)
setFixedSize = <unbound qt slot setFixedSize of QDialog type>
X.setFixedSize(a, b, c)
setFixedWidth = <unbound qt slot setFixedWidth of QDialog type>
X.setFixedWidth(a, b)
setFocus = <unbound qt slot setFocus of QDialog type>
X.setFocus(a, b)
setFocusPolicy = <unbound qt slot setFocusPolicy of QDialog type>
X.setFocusPolicy(a, b)
setFocusProxy = <unbound qt slot setFocusProxy of QDialog type>
X.setFocusProxy(a, b)
setFont = <unbound qt slot setFont of QDialog type>
X.setFont(a, b)
setForegroundRole = <unbound qt slot setForegroundRole of QDialog type>
X.setForegroundRole(a, b)
setGeometry = <unbound qt slot setGeometry of QDialog type>
X.setGeometry(a, b, c, d, e)
setGraphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot setGraphicsEffect of QDialog type>
X.setGraphicsEffect(a, b)
setHidden = <unbound qt slot setHidden of QDialog type>
setInputMethodHints = <unbound qt slot setInputMethodHints of QDialog type>
X.setInputMethodHints(a, b)
setLayout = <unbound qt slot setLayout of QDialog type>
X.setLayout(a, b)
setLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot setLayoutDirection of QDialog type>
X.setLayoutDirection(a, b)
setLocale = <unbound qt slot setLocale of QDialog type>
X.setLocale(a, b)
setMask = <unbound qt slot setMask of QDialog type>
X.setMask(a, b)
setMaximumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMaximumHeight of QDialog type>
X.setMaximumHeight(a, b)
setMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot setMaximumSize of QDialog type>
X.setMaximumSize(a, b, c)
setMaximumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMaximumWidth of QDialog type>
X.setMaximumWidth(a, b)
setMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMinimumHeight of QDialog type>
X.setMinimumHeight(a, b)
setMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot setMinimumSize of QDialog type>
X.setMinimumSize(a, b, c)
setMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMinimumWidth of QDialog type>
X.setMinimumWidth(a, b)
setModal = <unbound qt slot setModal of QDialog type>
X.setModal(a, b)
setMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot setMouseTracking of QDialog type>
X.setMouseTracking(a, b)
setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QDialog type>
X.setObjectName(a, b)
setPalette = <unbound qt slot setPalette of QDialog type>
X.setPalette(a, b)
setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QDialog type>
X.setParent(a, b, c)
setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QDialog type>
X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool
setResult = <unbound qt slot setResult of QDialog type>
X.setResult(a, b)
setShortcutAutoRepeat = <unbound qt slot setShortcutAutoRepeat of QDialog type>
X.setShortcutAutoRepeat(a, b, c)
setShortcutEnabled = <unbound qt slot setShortcutEnabled of QDialog type>
X.setShortcutEnabled(a, b, c)
setSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot setSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>
X.setSizeGripEnabled(a, b)
setSizeIncrement = <unbound qt slot setSizeIncrement of QDialog type>
X.setSizeIncrement(a, b, c)
setSizePolicy = <unbound qt slot setSizePolicy of QDialog type>
X.setSizePolicy(a, b, c)
setStatusTip = <unbound qt slot setStatusTip of QDialog type>
X.setStatusTip(a, b)
setStyle = <unbound qt slot setStyle of QDialog type>
X.setStyle(a, b)
setStyleSheet = <unbound qt slot setStyleSheet of QDialog type>
setTabOrder = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_setTabOrder of QDialog type>
X.setTabOrder(a, b)
setToolTip = <unbound qt slot setToolTip of QDialog type>
X.setToolTip(a, b)
setToolTipDuration = <unbound qt slot setToolTipDuration of QDialog type>
X.setToolTipDuration(a, b)
setUpdatesEnabled = <unbound qt slot setUpdatesEnabled of QDialog type>
X.setUpdatesEnabled(a, b)
setVisible = <unbound qt slot py_q_setVisible of QDialog type>
X.setVisible(a, b)
setWhatsThis = <unbound qt slot setWhatsThis of QDialog type>
X.setWhatsThis(a, b)
setWindowFilePath = <unbound qt slot setWindowFilePath of QDialog type>
X.setWindowFilePath(a, b)
setWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot setWindowFlags of QDialog type>
X.setWindowFlags(a, b)
setWindowIcon = <unbound qt slot setWindowIcon of QDialog type>
X.setWindowIcon(a, b)
setWindowIconText = <unbound qt slot setWindowIconText of QDialog type>
X.setWindowIconText(a, b)
setWindowModality = <unbound qt slot setWindowModality of QDialog type>
X.setWindowModality(a, b)
setWindowModified = <unbound qt slot setWindowModified of QDialog type>
setWindowOpacity = <unbound qt slot setWindowOpacity of QDialog type>
X.setWindowOpacity(a, b)
setWindowRole = <unbound qt slot setWindowRole of QDialog type>
X.setWindowRole(a, b)
setWindowState = <unbound qt slot setWindowState of QDialog type>
X.setWindowState(a, b)
setWindowTitle = <unbound qt slot setWindowTitle of QDialog type>
sharedPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_sharedPainter of QDialog type>
X.sharedPainter(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QPainter
show = <unbound qt slot show of QDialog type>
showEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_showEvent of QDialog type>
X.showEvent(a, b)
showExtension = <unbound qt slot showExtension of QDialog type>
showFullScreen = <unbound qt slot showFullScreen of QDialog type>
showMaximized = <unbound qt slot showMaximized of QDialog type>
showMinimized = <unbound qt slot showMinimized of QDialog type>
showNormal = <unbound qt slot showNormal of QDialog type>
signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QDialog type>
X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool
size = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizeGripEnabled = None
sizeHint = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizeIncrement = QSize (QSize at: 0x0)
sizePolicy = QSizePolicy (QSizePolicy at: 0x0)
stackUnder = <unbound qt slot stackUnder of QDialog type>
X.stackUnder(a, b)
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QDialog type>
X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int
statusTip = None
style = <unbound qt slot style of QDialog type>
X.style(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QStyle
styleSheet = None
tabletEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_tabletEvent of QDialog type>
X.tabletEvent(a, b)
tabletTracking = None
testAttribute = <unbound qt slot testAttribute of QDialog type>
X.testAttribute(a, b) -> bool
thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QDialog type>
timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QDialog type>
X.timerEvent(a, b)
toolTip = None
toolTipDuration = None
tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QDialog type>
X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str
underMouse = <unbound qt slot underMouse of QDialog type>
X.underMouse(a) -> bool
ungrabGesture = <unbound qt slot ungrabGesture of QDialog type>
X.ungrabGesture(a, b)
unsetCursor = <unbound qt slot unsetCursor of QDialog type>
unsetLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot unsetLayoutDirection of QDialog type>
unsetLocale = <unbound qt slot unsetLocale of QDialog type>
update = <unbound qt slot update of QDialog type>
X.update(a, b, c, d, e)
updateGeometry = <unbound qt slot updateGeometry of QDialog type>
updatesEnabled = None
visible = None
visibleRegion = <unbound qt slot visibleRegion of QDialog type>
X.visibleRegion(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QRegion
whatsThis = None
wheelEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_wheelEvent of QDialog type>
X.wheelEvent(a, b)
width = None
widthMM = <unbound qt slot widthMM of QDialog type>
X.widthMM(a) -> int
winId = <unbound qt slot winId of QDialog type>
window = <unbound qt slot window of QDialog type>
X.window(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
windowFilePath = None
windowFlags = <unbound qt slot windowFlags of QDialog type>
windowHandle = <unbound qt slot windowHandle of QDialog type>
X.windowHandle(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWindow
windowIcon = QIcon (QIcon at: 0x0)
windowIconChanged = <unbound qt signal windowIconChanged of QDialog type>
windowIconText = None
windowIconTextChanged = <unbound qt signal windowIconTextChanged of QDialog type>
windowModality = None
windowModified = None
windowOpacity = None
windowRole = <unbound qt slot windowRole of QDialog type>
X.windowRole(a) -> str
windowState = <unbound qt slot windowState of QDialog type>
windowTitle = None
windowTitleChanged = <unbound qt signal windowTitleChanged of QDialog type>
windowType = <unbound qt slot windowType of QDialog type>
x = None
y = None

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QDialog

dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
x.__lt__(y) <==> x

x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.accept = <unbound qt slot py_q_accept of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.actionEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_actionEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.actions = <unbound qt slot actions of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.activateWindow = <unbound qt slot activateWindow of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.addAction = <unbound qt slot addAction of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.addActions = <unbound qt slot addActions of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.adjustPosition = <unbound qt slot adjustPosition of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.adjustSize = <unbound qt slot adjustSize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.backgroundRole = <unbound qt slot backgroundRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.backingStore = <unbound qt slot backingStore of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.changeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_changeEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.childAt = <unbound qt slot childAt of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.children = <unbound qt slot children of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.className = className(...)
Return the classname of the object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.clearFocus = <unbound qt slot clearFocus of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.clearMask = <unbound qt slot clearMask of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.close = <unbound qt slot close of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.closeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_closeEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.colorCount = <unbound qt slot colorCount of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.contextMenuEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_contextMenuEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.createWindowContainer = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_createWindowContainer of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.createWinId = <unbound qt slot createWinId of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.delete = delete(...)
Deletes the given C++ object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.depth = <unbound qt slot depth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.destroy = <unbound qt slot destroy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.devicePixelRatio = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatio of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.devicePixelRatioF = <unbound qt slot devicePixelRatioF of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.devicePixelRatioFScale = <unbound qt slot static_QPaintDevice_devicePixelRatioFScale of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.devType = <unbound qt slot py_q_devType of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.done = <unbound qt slot py_q_done of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dragEnterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragEnterEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dragLeaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragLeaveEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dragMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dragMoveEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dropEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_dropEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.effectiveWinId = <unbound qt slot effectiveWinId of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.ensurePolished = <unbound qt slot ensurePolished of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.enterEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_enterEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.exec = <unbound qt slot py_q_exec of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusInEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusInEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusNextChild = <unbound qt slot focusNextChild of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusNextPrevChild = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusNextPrevChild of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusOutEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_focusOutEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusPreviousChild = <unbound qt slot focusPreviousChild of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusProxy = <unbound qt slot focusProxy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.focusWidget = <unbound qt slot focusWidget of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.foregroundRole = <unbound qt slot foregroundRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.grab = <unbound qt slot grab of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.grabGesture = <unbound qt slot grabGesture of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.grabKeyboard = <unbound qt slot grabKeyboard of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.grabMouse = <unbound qt slot grabMouse of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.grabShortcut = <unbound qt slot grabShortcut of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.graphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot graphicsEffect of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.graphicsProxyWidget = <unbound qt slot graphicsProxyWidget of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.hasFocus = <unbound qt slot hasFocus of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.hasMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot hasMouseTracking of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.heightMM = <unbound qt slot heightMM of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.help = help(...)
Shows the help of available methods for this class


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.hide = <unbound qt slot hide of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.hideEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_hideEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.inherits = inherits(...)
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.initPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_initPainter of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.inputMethodEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.inputMethodQuery = <unbound qt slot py_q_inputMethodQuery of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.insertAction = <unbound qt slot insertAction of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.insertActions = <unbound qt slot insertActions of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isAncestorOf = <unbound qt slot isAncestorOf of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isEnabledTo = <unbound qt slot isEnabledTo of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isFullScreen = <unbound qt slot isFullScreen of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isHidden = <unbound qt slot isHidden of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isLeftToRight = <unbound qt slot isLeftToRight of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isMaximized = <unbound qt slot isMaximized of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isMinimized = <unbound qt slot isMinimized of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isModal = <unbound qt slot isModal of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isRightToLeft = <unbound qt slot isRightToLeft of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot isSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isVisible = <unbound qt slot isVisible of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isVisibleTo = <unbound qt slot isVisibleTo of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isWindow = <unbound qt slot isWindow of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isWindowModified = <unbound qt slot isWindowModified of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.keyboardGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_keyboardGrabber of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.keyPressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyPressEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.keyReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_keyReleaseEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.layout = <unbound qt slot layout of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.leaveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_leaveEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.logicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiX of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.logicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot logicalDpiY of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.lower = <unbound qt slot lower of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapFrom = <unbound qt slot mapFrom of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapFromGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapFromGlobal of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapFromParent = <unbound qt slot mapFromParent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapTo = <unbound qt slot mapTo of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapToGlobal = <unbound qt slot mapToGlobal of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mapToParent = <unbound qt slot mapToParent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mask = <unbound qt slot mask of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.metric = <unbound qt slot py_q_metric of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mouseDoubleClickEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseDoubleClickEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mouseGrabber = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_mouseGrabber of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mouseMoveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseMoveEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mousePressEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mousePressEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.mouseReleaseEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_mouseReleaseEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.move = <unbound qt slot move of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.moveEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_moveEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.nativeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_nativeEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.nativeParentWidget = <unbound qt slot nativeParentWidget of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.nextInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot nextInFocusChain of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.open = <unbound qt slot py_q_open of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.overrideWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowFlags of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.overrideWindowState = <unbound qt slot overrideWindowState of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.paintEngine = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEngine of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.paintEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_paintEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.paintingActive = <unbound qt slot paintingActive of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.physicalDpiX = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiX of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.physicalDpiY = <unbound qt slot physicalDpiY of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.previousInFocusChain = <unbound qt slot previousInFocusChain of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.property = <unbound qt slot property of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.raise = <unbound qt slot raise of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.redirected = <unbound qt slot py_q_redirected of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.reject = <unbound qt slot py_q_reject of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.releaseKeyboard = <unbound qt slot releaseKeyboard of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.releaseMouse = <unbound qt slot releaseMouse of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.releaseShortcut = <unbound qt slot releaseShortcut of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.removeAction = <unbound qt slot removeAction of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.render = <unbound qt slot render of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.repaint = <unbound qt slot repaint of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.resize = <unbound qt slot resize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.resizeEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_resizeEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.restoreGeometry = <unbound qt slot restoreGeometry of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.result = <unbound qt slot result of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.saveGeometry = <unbound qt slot saveGeometry of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.scroll = <unbound qt slot scroll of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setAcceptDrops = <unbound qt slot setAcceptDrops of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setAccessibleDescription = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleDescription of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setAccessibleName = <unbound qt slot setAccessibleName of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setAttribute = <unbound qt slot setAttribute of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setAutoFillBackground = <unbound qt slot setAutoFillBackground of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setBackgroundRole = <unbound qt slot setBackgroundRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setBaseSize = <unbound qt slot setBaseSize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setContextMenuPolicy = <unbound qt slot setContextMenuPolicy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setCursor = <unbound qt slot setCursor of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setDisabled = <unbound qt slot setDisabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFixedHeight = <unbound qt slot setFixedHeight of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFixedSize = <unbound qt slot setFixedSize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFixedWidth = <unbound qt slot setFixedWidth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFocus = <unbound qt slot setFocus of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFocusPolicy = <unbound qt slot setFocusPolicy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFocusProxy = <unbound qt slot setFocusProxy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setFont = <unbound qt slot setFont of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setForegroundRole = <unbound qt slot setForegroundRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setGeometry = <unbound qt slot setGeometry of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setGraphicsEffect = <unbound qt slot setGraphicsEffect of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setHidden = <unbound qt slot setHidden of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setInputMethodHints = <unbound qt slot setInputMethodHints of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setLayout = <unbound qt slot setLayout of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot setLayoutDirection of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setLocale = <unbound qt slot setLocale of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMask = <unbound qt slot setMask of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMaximumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMaximumHeight of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot setMaximumSize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMaximumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMaximumWidth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setMinimumHeight of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot setMinimumSize of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setMinimumWidth of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setModal = <unbound qt slot setModal of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setMouseTracking = <unbound qt slot setMouseTracking of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setPalette = <unbound qt slot setPalette of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setResult = <unbound qt slot setResult of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setShortcutAutoRepeat = <unbound qt slot setShortcutAutoRepeat of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setShortcutEnabled = <unbound qt slot setShortcutEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setSizeGripEnabled = <unbound qt slot setSizeGripEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setSizeIncrement = <unbound qt slot setSizeIncrement of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setSizePolicy = <unbound qt slot setSizePolicy of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setStatusTip = <unbound qt slot setStatusTip of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setStyle = <unbound qt slot setStyle of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setStyleSheet = <unbound qt slot setStyleSheet of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setTabOrder = <unbound qt slot static_QWidget_setTabOrder of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setToolTip = <unbound qt slot setToolTip of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setToolTipDuration = <unbound qt slot setToolTipDuration of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setUpdatesEnabled = <unbound qt slot setUpdatesEnabled of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setVisible = <unbound qt slot py_q_setVisible of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWhatsThis = <unbound qt slot setWhatsThis of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowFilePath = <unbound qt slot setWindowFilePath of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowFlags = <unbound qt slot setWindowFlags of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowIcon = <unbound qt slot setWindowIcon of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowIconText = <unbound qt slot setWindowIconText of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowModality = <unbound qt slot setWindowModality of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowModified = <unbound qt slot setWindowModified of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowOpacity = <unbound qt slot setWindowOpacity of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowRole = <unbound qt slot setWindowRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowState = <unbound qt slot setWindowState of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.setWindowTitle = <unbound qt slot setWindowTitle of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.sharedPainter = <unbound qt slot py_q_sharedPainter of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.show = <unbound qt slot show of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_showEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showExtension = <unbound qt slot showExtension of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showFullScreen = <unbound qt slot showFullScreen of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showMaximized = <unbound qt slot showMaximized of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showMinimized = <unbound qt slot showMinimized of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.showNormal = <unbound qt slot showNormal of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.stackUnder = <unbound qt slot stackUnder of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.style = <unbound qt slot style of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.tabletEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_tabletEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.testAttribute = <unbound qt slot testAttribute of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.underMouse = <unbound qt slot underMouse of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.ungrabGesture = <unbound qt slot ungrabGesture of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.unsetCursor = <unbound qt slot unsetCursor of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.unsetLayoutDirection = <unbound qt slot unsetLayoutDirection of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.unsetLocale = <unbound qt slot unsetLocale of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.update = <unbound qt slot update of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.updateGeometry = <unbound qt slot updateGeometry of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.visibleRegion = <unbound qt slot visibleRegion of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.wheelEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_wheelEvent of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.widthMM = <unbound qt slot widthMM of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.window = <unbound qt slot window of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.windowFlags = <unbound qt slot windowFlags of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.windowHandle = <unbound qt slot windowHandle of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.windowRole = <unbound qt slot windowRole of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.windowState = <unbound qt slot windowState of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.windowType = <unbound qt slot windowType of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QDialog.winId = <unbound qt slot winId of QDialog type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout = class QGridLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QGridLayout)

Method resolution order:


__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)


SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QGridLayout type>
X.activate(a) -> bool
addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QGridLayout type>
X.addChildLayout(a, b)
addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QGridLayout type>
X.addChildWidget(a, b)
addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QGridLayout type>
X.addItem(a, b)
addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QGridLayout type>
X.addLayout(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QGridLayout type>
X.addWidget(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QGridLayout type>
X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool
alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QGridLayout type>
alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QGridLayout type>
X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QGridLayout type>
X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool
cellRect = <unbound qt slot cellRect of QGridLayout type>
X.cellRect(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QGridLayout type>
X.childEvent(a, b)
children = <unbound qt slot children of QGridLayout type>
X.children(a) -> tuple
className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Return the classname of the object
closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QGridLayout type>
X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
columnCount = <unbound qt slot columnCount of QGridLayout type>
X.columnCount(a) -> int
columnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot columnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.columnMinimumWidth(a, b) -> int
columnStretch = <unbound qt slot columnStretch of QGridLayout type>
X.columnStretch(a, b) -> int
connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QGridLayout type>
X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool
contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QGridLayout type>
X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins
contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QGridLayout type>
X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QGridLayout type>
count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QGridLayout type>
X.count(a) -> int
customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QGridLayout type>
X.customEvent(a, b)
delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Deletes the given C++ object
deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QGridLayout type>
destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QGridLayout type>
disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QGridLayout type>
X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool
dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QGridLayout type>
dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QGridLayout type>
dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QGridLayout type>
event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QGridLayout type>
X.event(a, b) -> bool
eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QGridLayout type>
X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool
expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QGridLayout type>
findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QGridLayout type>
X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QGridLayout type>
X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple
geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QGridLayout type>
X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool
heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int
help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Shows the help of available methods for this class
horizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot horizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>
X.horizontalSpacing(a) -> int
indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QGridLayout type>
X.indexOf(a, b) -> int
inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name
installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QGridLayout type>
X.installEventFilter(a, b)
invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QGridLayout type>
isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QGridLayout type>
X.isEmpty(a) -> bool
isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QGridLayout type>
X.isEnabled(a) -> bool
isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QGridLayout type>
X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool
isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QGridLayout type>
X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool
isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QGridLayout type>
X.isWindowType(a) -> bool
itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QGridLayout type>
X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
itemAtPosition = <unbound qt slot itemAtPosition of QGridLayout type>
X.itemAtPosition(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QGridLayout type>
X.killTimer(a, b)
layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QGridLayout type>
X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout
margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QGridLayout type>
X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QGridLayout type>
X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QGridLayout type>
X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject
minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QGridLayout type>
X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QGridLayout type>
X.moveToThread(a, b)
objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QGridLayout type>
originCorner = <unbound qt slot originCorner of QGridLayout type>
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QGridLayout type>
X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QGridLayout type>
X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
property = <unbound qt slot property of QGridLayout type>
X.property(a, b) -> object
removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QGridLayout type>
X.removeEventFilter(a, b)
removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QGridLayout type>
X.removeItem(a, b)
removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QGridLayout type>
X.removeWidget(a, b)
replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QGridLayout type>
X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
rowCount = <unbound qt slot rowCount of QGridLayout type>
X.rowCount(a) -> int
rowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot rowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>
X.rowMinimumHeight(a, b) -> int
rowStretch = <unbound qt slot rowStretch of QGridLayout type>
X.rowStretch(a, b) -> int
sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QGridLayout type>
X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QGridLayout type>
X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int
setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QGridLayout type>
X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool
setColumnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setColumnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.setColumnMinimumWidth(a, b, c)
setColumnStretch = <unbound qt slot setColumnStretch of QGridLayout type>
X.setColumnStretch(a, b, c)
setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QGridLayout type>
X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)
setDefaultPositioning = <unbound qt slot setDefaultPositioning of QGridLayout type>
X.setDefaultPositioning(a, b, c)
setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QGridLayout type>
X.setEnabled(a, b)
setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QGridLayout type>
X.setGeometry(a, b)
setHorizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setHorizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>
X.setHorizontalSpacing(a, b)
setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QGridLayout type>
X.setMargin(a, b)
setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QGridLayout type>
X.setMenuBar(a, b)
setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QGridLayout type>
X.setObjectName(a, b)
setOriginCorner = <unbound qt slot setOriginCorner of QGridLayout type>
X.setOriginCorner(a, b)
setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QGridLayout type>
X.setParent(a, b)
setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QGridLayout type>
X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool
setRowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setRowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>
X.setRowMinimumHeight(a, b, c)
setRowStretch = <unbound qt slot setRowStretch of QGridLayout type>
X.setRowStretch(a, b, c)
setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QGridLayout type>
X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)
setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QGridLayout type>
X.setSpacing(a, b)
setVerticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setVerticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>
X.setVerticalSpacing(a, b)
signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QGridLayout type>
X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool
sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QGridLayout type>
X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QGridLayout type>
X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem
spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QGridLayout type>
X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int
takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QGridLayout type>
X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QGridLayout type>
timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QGridLayout type>
X.timerEvent(a, b)
totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>
X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QGridLayout type>
X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QGridLayout type>
X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QGridLayout type>
X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QGridLayout type>
X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str
update = <unbound qt slot update of QGridLayout type>
verticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot verticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>
X.verticalSpacing(a) -> int
widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QGridLayout type>
X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QGridLayout type>
X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QGridLayout

dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
x.__lt__(y) <==> x

x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.cellRect = <unbound qt slot cellRect of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.children = <unbound qt slot children of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.className = className(...)
Return the classname of the object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.columnCount = <unbound qt slot columnCount of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.columnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot columnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.columnStretch = <unbound qt slot columnStretch of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.delete = delete(...)
Deletes the given C++ object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.help = help(...)
Shows the help of available methods for this class


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.horizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot horizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.inherits = inherits(...)
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.itemAtPosition = <unbound qt slot itemAtPosition of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QGridLayout type>

typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.originCorner = <unbound qt slot originCorner of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.property = <unbound qt slot property of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.rowCount = <unbound qt slot rowCount of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.rowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot rowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.rowStretch = <unbound qt slot rowStretch of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setColumnMinimumWidth = <unbound qt slot setColumnMinimumWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setColumnStretch = <unbound qt slot setColumnStretch of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setDefaultPositioning = <unbound qt slot setDefaultPositioning of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setHorizontalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setHorizontalSpacing of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setOriginCorner = <unbound qt slot setOriginCorner of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setRowMinimumHeight = <unbound qt slot setRowMinimumHeight of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setRowStretch = <unbound qt slot setRowStretch of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.setVerticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot setVerticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.update = <unbound qt slot update of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.verticalSpacing = <unbound qt slot verticalSpacing of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QGridLayout.widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QGridLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout = class QHBoxLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QHBoxLayout)

Method resolution order:


__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)


BottomToTop = 3
Direction = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.Direction'>
Down = 2
LeftToRight = 0
RightToLeft = 1
SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
TopToBottom = 2
Up = 3
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QHBoxLayout type>
X.activate(a) -> bool
addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addChildLayout(a, b)
addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addChildWidget(a, b)
addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addItem(a, b)
addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addLayout(a, b, c)
addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addSpacerItem(a, b)
addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addSpacing(a, b)
addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addStretch(a, b)
addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addStrut(a, b)
addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.addWidget(a, b, c, d)
adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QHBoxLayout type>
X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool
alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QHBoxLayout type>
alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QHBoxLayout type>
X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QHBoxLayout type>
X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool
childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.childEvent(a, b)
children = <unbound qt slot children of QHBoxLayout type>
X.children(a) -> tuple
className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Return the classname of the object
closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QHBoxLayout type>
X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QHBoxLayout type>
X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool
contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>
X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins
contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QHBoxLayout type>
X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QHBoxLayout type>
count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QHBoxLayout type>
X.count(a) -> int
customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.customEvent(a, b)
delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Deletes the given C++ object
deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QHBoxLayout type>
destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QHBoxLayout type>
direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QHBoxLayout type>
disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QHBoxLayout type>
X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool
dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QHBoxLayout type>
dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QHBoxLayout type>
dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QHBoxLayout type>
event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QHBoxLayout type>
X.event(a, b) -> bool
eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>
X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool
expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QHBoxLayout type>
findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QHBoxLayout type>
X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QHBoxLayout type>
X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple
geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QHBoxLayout type>
X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>
X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool
heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>
X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int
help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Shows the help of available methods for this class
indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QHBoxLayout type>
X.indexOf(a, b) -> int
inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name
insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertItem(a, b, c)
insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertLayout(a, b, c, d)
insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertSpacerItem(a, b, c)
insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertSpacing(a, b, c)
insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertStretch(a, b, c)
insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.insertWidget(a, b, c, d, e)
installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>
X.installEventFilter(a, b)
invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QHBoxLayout type>
isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QHBoxLayout type>
X.isEmpty(a) -> bool
isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>
X.isEnabled(a) -> bool
isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QHBoxLayout type>
X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool
isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QHBoxLayout type>
X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool
isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QHBoxLayout type>
X.isWindowType(a) -> bool
itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QHBoxLayout type>
X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QHBoxLayout type>
X.killTimer(a, b)
layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QHBoxLayout type>
X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout
margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>
X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QHBoxLayout type>
X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QHBoxLayout type>
X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject
minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>
X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>
X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QHBoxLayout type>
X.moveToThread(a, b)
objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QHBoxLayout type>
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
property = <unbound qt slot property of QHBoxLayout type>
X.property(a, b) -> object
removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>
X.removeEventFilter(a, b)
removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.removeItem(a, b)
removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.removeWidget(a, b)
replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QHBoxLayout type>
X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QHBoxLayout type>
X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int
setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool
setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)
setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setDirection(a, b)
setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setEnabled(a, b)
setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setGeometry(a, b)
setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setMargin(a, b)
setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setMenuBar(a, b)
setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setObjectName(a, b)
setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setParent(a, b)
setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool
setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)
setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setSpacing(a, b)
setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setStretch(a, b, c)
setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QHBoxLayout type>
X.setStretchFactor(a, b, c) -> bool
signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QHBoxLayout type>
X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool
sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>
X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>
X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem
spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QHBoxLayout type>
X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int
stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QHBoxLayout type>
X.stretch(a, b) -> int
takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QHBoxLayout type>
X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QHBoxLayout type>
timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.timerEvent(a, b)
totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>
X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>
X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>
X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>
X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QHBoxLayout type>
X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str
update = <unbound qt slot update of QHBoxLayout type>
widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QHBoxLayout type>
X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QHBoxLayout type>
X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QHBoxLayout

dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
x.__lt__(y) <==> x

x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.children = <unbound qt slot children of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.className = className(...)
Return the classname of the object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.delete = delete(...)
Deletes the given C++ object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.help = help(...)
Shows the help of available methods for this class


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.inherits = inherits(...)
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>

typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.property = <unbound qt slot property of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.update = <unbound qt slot update of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QHBoxLayout.widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QHBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout = class QVBoxLayout(PythonQt.QtGui.QVBoxLayout)

Method resolution order:


__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)


BottomToTop = 3
Direction = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.Direction'>
Down = 2
LeftToRight = 0
RightToLeft = 1
SetDefaultConstraint = 0
SetFixedSize = 3
SetMaximumSize = 4
SetMinAndMaxSize = 5
SetMinimumSize = 2
SetNoConstraint = 1
SizeConstraint = <class 'PythonQt.QtGui.SizeConstraint'>
TopToBottom = 2
Up = 3
activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QVBoxLayout type>
X.activate(a) -> bool
addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addChildLayout(a, b)
addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addChildWidget(a, b)
addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addItem(a, b)
addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addLayout(a, b, c)
addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addSpacerItem(a, b)
addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addSpacing(a, b)
addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addStretch(a, b)
addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addStrut(a, b)
addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.addWidget(a, b, c, d)
adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QVBoxLayout type>
X.adoptLayout(a, b) -> bool
alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QVBoxLayout type>
alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QVBoxLayout type>
X.alignmentRect(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QVBoxLayout type>
X.blockSignals(a, b) -> bool
childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.childEvent(a, b)
children = <unbound qt slot children of QVBoxLayout type>
X.children(a) -> tuple
className = <built-in method className of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Return the classname of the object
closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QVBoxLayout type>
X.closestAcceptableSize(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QVBoxLayout type>
X.connect(a, b, c, d, e) -> bool
contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>
X.contentsMargins(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QMargins
contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QVBoxLayout type>
X.contentsRect(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QVBoxLayout type>
count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QVBoxLayout type>
X.count(a) -> int
customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.customEvent(a, b)
delete = <built-in method delete of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Deletes the given C++ object
deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QVBoxLayout type>
destroyed = <unbound qt signal destroyed of QVBoxLayout type>
direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QVBoxLayout type>
disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QVBoxLayout type>
X.disconnect(a, b, c, d) -> bool
dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QVBoxLayout type>
dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QVBoxLayout type>
dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QVBoxLayout type>
event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QVBoxLayout type>
X.event(a, b) -> bool
eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>
X.eventFilter(a, b, c) -> bool
expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QVBoxLayout type>
findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QVBoxLayout type>
X.findChild(a, b, c) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QVBoxLayout type>
X.findChildren(a, b, c) -> tuple
geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QVBoxLayout type>
X.geometry(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QRect
hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>
X.hasHeightForWidth(a) -> bool
heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>
X.heightForWidth(a, b) -> int
help = <built-in method help of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Shows the help of available methods for this class
indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QVBoxLayout type>
X.indexOf(a, b) -> int
inherits = <built-in method inherits of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name
insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertItem(a, b, c)
insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertLayout(a, b, c, d)
insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertSpacerItem(a, b, c)
insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertSpacing(a, b, c)
insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertStretch(a, b, c)
insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.insertWidget(a, b, c, d, e)
installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>
X.installEventFilter(a, b)
invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QVBoxLayout type>
isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QVBoxLayout type>
X.isEmpty(a) -> bool
isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>
X.isEnabled(a) -> bool
isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QVBoxLayout type>
X.isSignalConnected(a, b) -> bool
isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QVBoxLayout type>
X.isWidgetType(a) -> bool
isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QVBoxLayout type>
X.isWindowType(a) -> bool
itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QVBoxLayout type>
X.itemAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QVBoxLayout type>
X.killTimer(a, b)
layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QVBoxLayout type>
X.layout(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayout
margin = None
maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>
X.maximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QVBoxLayout type>
X.menuBar(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QVBoxLayout type>
X.metaObject(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QMetaObject
minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>
X.minimumHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>
X.minimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QVBoxLayout type>
X.moveToThread(a, b)
objectName = None
objectNameChanged = <unbound qt signal objectNameChanged of QVBoxLayout type>
parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.parent(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.parentWidget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
property = <unbound qt slot property of QVBoxLayout type>
X.property(a, b) -> object
removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>
X.removeEventFilter(a, b)
removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.removeItem(a, b)
removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.removeWidget(a, b)
replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.replaceWidget(a, b, c, d) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QVBoxLayout type>
X.sender(a) -> PythonQt.private.QObject
senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QVBoxLayout type>
X.senderSignalIndex(a) -> int
setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setAlignment(a, b, c) -> bool
setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setContentsMargins(a, b, c, d, e)
setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setDirection(a, b)
setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setEnabled(a, b)
setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setGeometry(a, b)
setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setMargin(a, b)
setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setMenuBar(a, b)
setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setObjectName(a, b)
setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setParent(a, b)
setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setProperty(a, b, c) -> bool
setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setSizeConstraint(a, b)
setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setSpacing(a, b)
setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setStretch(a, b, c)
setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QVBoxLayout type>
X.setStretchFactor(a, b, c) -> bool
signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QVBoxLayout type>
X.signalsBlocked(a) -> bool
sizeConstraint = None
sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>
X.sizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>
X.spacerItem(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QSpacerItem
spacing = None
startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QVBoxLayout type>
X.startTimer(a, b, c) -> int
stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QVBoxLayout type>
X.stretch(a, b) -> int
takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QVBoxLayout type>
X.takeAt(a, b) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QLayoutItem
thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QVBoxLayout type>
timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.timerEvent(a, b)
totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>
X.totalHeightForWidth(a, b) -> int
totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>
X.totalMaximumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>
X.totalMinimumSize(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>
X.totalSizeHint(a) -> PythonQt.QtCore.QSize
tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QVBoxLayout type>
X.tr(a, b, c, d) -> str
update = <unbound qt slot update of QVBoxLayout type>
widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QVBoxLayout type>
X.widget(a) -> PythonQt.QtGui.QWidget
widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QVBoxLayout type>
X.widgetEvent(a, b)

Descriptors from PythonQt.QtGui.QVBoxLayout

dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Methods from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name
x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y
x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y
x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name
x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)
x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y
x.__lt__(y) <==> x

x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y
x.__nonzero__() <==> x != 0
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value
x.__str__() <==> str(x)

Attributes from PythonQt.PythonQtInstanceWrapper

__new__ = <built-in method __new__ of PythonQt.PythonQtClassWrapper object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.activate = <unbound qt slot activate of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addChildLayout = <unbound qt slot addChildLayout of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addChildWidget = <unbound qt slot addChildWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_addItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addLayout = <unbound qt slot addLayout of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot addSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addSpacing = <unbound qt slot addSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addStretch = <unbound qt slot addStretch of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addStrut = <unbound qt slot addStrut of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.addWidget = <unbound qt slot addWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.adoptLayout = <unbound qt slot adoptLayout of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.alignment = <unbound qt slot alignment of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.alignmentRect = <unbound qt slot alignmentRect of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.blockSignals = <unbound qt slot blockSignals of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.childEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_childEvent of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.children = <unbound qt slot children of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.className = className(...)
Return the classname of the object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.closestAcceptableSize = <unbound qt slot static_QLayout_closestAcceptableSize of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.connect = <unbound qt slot connect of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.contentsMargins = <unbound qt slot contentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.contentsRect = <unbound qt slot contentsRect of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.controlTypes = <unbound qt slot py_q_controlTypes of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.count = <unbound qt slot py_q_count of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.customEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_customEvent of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.delete = delete(...)
Deletes the given C++ object


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.deleteLater = <unbound qt slot deleteLater of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.direction = <unbound qt slot direction of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.disconnect = <unbound qt slot disconnect of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.dumpObjectInfo = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectInfo of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.dumpObjectTree = <unbound qt slot dumpObjectTree of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.dynamicPropertyNames = <unbound qt slot dynamicPropertyNames of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.event = <unbound qt slot py_q_event of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.eventFilter = <unbound qt slot py_q_eventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.expandingDirections = <unbound qt slot py_q_expandingDirections of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.findChild = <unbound qt slot findChild of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.findChildren = <unbound qt slot findChildren of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.geometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_geometry of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.hasHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_hasHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.heightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_heightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.help = help(...)
Shows the help of available methods for this class


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.indexOf = <unbound qt slot py_q_indexOf of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.inherits = inherits(...)
Returns if the class inherits or is of given type name


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertItem = <unbound qt slot insertItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertLayout = <unbound qt slot insertLayout of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertSpacerItem = <unbound qt slot insertSpacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertSpacing = <unbound qt slot insertSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertStretch = <unbound qt slot insertStretch of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.insertWidget = <unbound qt slot insertWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.installEventFilter = <unbound qt slot installEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.invalidate = <unbound qt slot py_q_invalidate of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.isEmpty = <unbound qt slot py_q_isEmpty of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.isEnabled = <unbound qt slot isEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.isSignalConnected = <unbound qt slot isSignalConnected of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.isWidgetType = <unbound qt slot isWidgetType of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.isWindowType = <unbound qt slot isWindowType of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.itemAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_itemAt of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.killTimer = <unbound qt slot killTimer of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.layout = <unbound qt slot py_q_layout of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.maximumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_maximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>

typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.menuBar = <unbound qt slot menuBar of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.metaObject = <unbound qt slot metaObject of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.minimumHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.minimumSize = <unbound qt slot py_q_minimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.moveToThread = <unbound qt slot moveToThread of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.parent = <unbound qt slot parent of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.parentWidget = <unbound qt slot parentWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.property = <unbound qt slot property of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.removeEventFilter = <unbound qt slot removeEventFilter of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.removeItem = <unbound qt slot removeItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.removeWidget = <unbound qt slot removeWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.replaceWidget = <unbound qt slot replaceWidget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.sender = <unbound qt slot sender of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.senderSignalIndex = <unbound qt slot senderSignalIndex of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setAlignment = <unbound qt slot setAlignment of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setContentsMargins = <unbound qt slot setContentsMargins of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setDirection = <unbound qt slot setDirection of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setEnabled = <unbound qt slot setEnabled of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setGeometry = <unbound qt slot py_q_setGeometry of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setMargin = <unbound qt slot setMargin of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setMenuBar = <unbound qt slot setMenuBar of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setObjectName = <unbound qt slot setObjectName of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setParent = <unbound qt slot setParent of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setProperty = <unbound qt slot setProperty of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setSizeConstraint = <unbound qt slot setSizeConstraint of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setSpacing = <unbound qt slot setSpacing of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setStretch = <unbound qt slot setStretch of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.setStretchFactor = <unbound qt slot setStretchFactor of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.signalsBlocked = <unbound qt slot signalsBlocked of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.sizeHint = <unbound qt slot py_q_sizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.spacerItem = <unbound qt slot py_q_spacerItem of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.startTimer = <unbound qt slot startTimer of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.stretch = <unbound qt slot stretch of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.takeAt = <unbound qt slot py_q_takeAt of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.thread = <unbound qt slot thread of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.timerEvent = <unbound qt slot py_q_timerEvent of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.totalHeightForWidth = <unbound qt slot totalHeightForWidth of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.totalMaximumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMaximumSize of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.totalMinimumSize = <unbound qt slot totalMinimumSize of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.totalSizeHint = <unbound qt slot totalSizeHint of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.tr = <unbound qt slot tr of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.update = <unbound qt slot update of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.widget = <unbound qt slot py_q_widget of QVBoxLayout type>


typerig.gui.QtGui.QVBoxLayout.widgetEvent = <unbound qt slot widgetEvent of QVBoxLayout type>