typerig.proxy.objects.glyph (version 0.26.9)
# MODULE: Typerig / Proxy / Glyph # ----------------------------------------------------------- # (C) Vassil Kateliev, 2017-2020 (http://www.kateliev.com) # (C) Karandash Type Foundry (http://www.karandash.eu) #------------------------------------------------------------ # www.typerig.com
- fontgate
- fontlab
- math
- PythonQt
- fontTools.pens.statisticsPen
class eGlyph(pGlyph)
Extended representation of the Proxy Glyph, adding some advanced functionality Constructor: pGlyph() - default represents the current glyph and current font pGlyph(fgFont, fgGlyph)
- Method resolution order:
- eGlyph
- pGlyph
- builtin.object
- bindCompMetrics(self, layer=None, bindIndex=None)
Auto bind metrics to the base composite glyph or to specified shape index
- blendLayers(self, layerA, layerB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two layers at given times (anisotropic support). Args: layerA (flLayer), layerB (flLayer): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: flLayer
- breakContour(self, contourId, nodeId, layer=None, expand=0)
Split Contour at given node and layer. Extrapolate line endings if needed. Args: contourId (int): Contour Index nodeId (int): Node Index layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value Returns: flContour
- copyADVbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy Advance width from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- copyLSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy LSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- copyMetricsbyName(self, metricTriple=(None, None, None), layers=None, order=(0, 0, 0), adjustPercent=(100, 100, 100), adjustUnits=(0, 0, 0))
Copy LSB, RSB and Advance width from glyphs specified by Glyph Name. Args: metricTriple tuple(str): Names of source glyphs for (LSB, RSB, ADV) layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order tuple(bool): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. (LSB, RSB, 0) adjustPercent tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) adjustUnits tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) Return: None
- copyRSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy RSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- dropAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple, alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False)
Drop anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- dropGuide(self, nodes=None, layers=None, name='*DropGuideline', tag='', color='darkMagenta', flip=(1, 1), style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Build guideline trough *any two* given points or the *first two of the current selection*. If *single point* is given will create a vertical guideline trough that point, with guideline inclined according to the font's Italic Angle. if process layers (pLayers) is None guideline will be created in all compatible layers, otherwise the bool control tuple (active_layer (True or False), masters (True or False), masks (True or False), services (True or False)) is used. If all are set to False only the active layer is used. Args: nodes (list(int)): List of node indexes layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. name (str): Name of the guideline to be build color (str): Color of the guideline according to QtCore colors style (str): Style of the guideline according to FontLab 6 Returns: None
- getAttachmentCenters(self, layer, tolerance=5, applyTransform=True, getAll=False)
Return X center of lowest, highest Y of [glyph] for [layer] within given [tolerance] Note: Determine diacritic to glyph attachment positions (for anchor placement)
- getNewBaseCoords(self, layer, adjustTuple, alignTuple, tolerance=5, italic=False, initPosTuple=(0.0, 0.0))
Calculate Anchor base position Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int/float, int/float): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int/float): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* initPosTuple (int/float, int/float): Itinital anchor position *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: x, y (int/float)
- lerpLayerFg(self, l0_Name, l1_Name)
- moveAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple=(0, 0), alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False)
Move anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- reorder_shapes(self, layer=None, mode=(0, 0))
Auto reorder shapes on given layer using criteria. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both mode (bool, bool): Mode of shape reordering/sorting by (X, Y) Returns: None
- setStart(self, layer=None, control=(0, 0))
- splitContour(self, scnPairs=None, layers=None, expand=0, close=False)
Split Contour at given node and combinations of compatible layers. Extrapolate line endings and close contour if needed. Args: scnPairs (list(tuple)): Shape-contour-node pairs for the selected nodes [(Shape Index, Contour Index, Node Index)..()] layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value close (bool): True = Close contour Return: None
- ungroup_all_shapes(self, layer=None, applyTransform=True)
Ungroup all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both applyTransform (bool): Apply transformation at shape. Returns: None
Methods from pGlyph
- init(self, *argv)
- repr(self)
- activeGuides(self)
- activeLayer(self)
- addAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, layer=None, isAnchor=True)
Adds named Anchor at given layer. Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float)): Anchor coordinates X, Y name (str): Anchor name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer isAnchor (bool): True creates a true flAnchor, False ? (flPinPoint) Returns: None
- addComponents(self, componentConfig, layer=None, useAnchors=True, colorize=False)
Adds a components to given glyph layer. Args: componentConfig (list(tuple(glyph_name (str), glyph_transform (QTransform), layer_pointer (str)))): List contianign component configuration. layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer useAnchors (bool): Compose using anchors colorize (bool): Flag new glyphs Returns: list(flShapes): List of components added
- addGuideline(self, coordTuple, layer=None, angle=0, name='', tag='', color='darkMagenta', style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Adds named Guideline at given layer Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float) or tuple(float,float,float,float)): Guideline coordinates X, Y and given angle or two node reference x1,y1 and x2,y2 name (str): Anchor name angle (float): Incline of the guideline layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- addLayer(self, layer, toBack=False)
Adds a layer to glyph. Args: layer (flLayer or fgLayer) toBack (bool): Send layer to back Returns: None
- addShape(self, shape, layer=None, clone=False)
Add a new shape at given layer. Args: shape (flShape): Shape to be added Returns: flShape
- addShapeContainer(self, shapeList, layer=None, remove=True)
Add a new shape container* at given layer. A flShape containing all of the shapes given that could be transformed to Shape-group or shape-filter. Args: shapeList list(flShape): List if Shapes to be grouped. Returns: flShape
- anchors(self, layer=None)
Return list of anchors (list[flAnchor]) at given layer (int or str)
- blendShapes(self, shapeA, shapeB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two shapes at given times (anisotropic support). Args: shapeA (flShape), shapeB (flShape): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: Native (interpolation engine dependent) or flShape (default)
- clearAnchors(self, layer=None)
Remove all anchors at given layer (int or str)
- components(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph components besides glyph.
- containers(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- contours(self, layer=None, deep=True, extend=None)
Return all contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flContours]
- copyLayer(self, srcLayerName, dstLayerName, options={'adv': True, 'anc': True, 'gui': True, 'lnk': True, 'lsb': True, 'out': True, 'ref': True, 'rsb': True}, addLayer=False, cleanDST=True, toBack=True)
Copies a layer within the glyph. Args: srcLayerName, dstLayerName (string): Source and destination layer names options (dict): Copy Options as follows {'out': Outline, 'gui': Guidelines, 'anc': Anchors, 'lsb': LSB, 'adv': Advance, 'rsb': RSB, 'lnk': Linked metrics, 'ref': References}, addLayer=False): addLayer (bool): Create a new layer cleanDST (bool): Clean destination layer toBack (bool): Add layer to back of the layer stack Returns: flLayer
- decompose(self, layer=None)
Decompose all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- dereference(self, layer=None)
Remove all shape references but leave components. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- draw(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the Pen protocol
- drawPoints(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the PointPen protocol
- duplicateLayer(self, layer=None, newLayerName='New Layer', references=False)
Duplicates a layer with new name and adds it to glyph's layers. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer toBack(bool): send to back Returns: flLayer
- elements(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph elements in glyph
- fg_activeLayer(self)
- fg_contours(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgContours]
- fg_hasLayer(self, layerName)
- fg_layer(self, layer=None)
Returns FontGate layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: fgLayer
- fg_layers(self, asDict=False)
Return all FotnGate layers
- fg_nodes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgNodes]
- fg_shapes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgShapes]
- findAnchor(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor by name/tag
- findAnchorCoords(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor coordinates by name/tag
- findNode(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node by name/tag
- findNodeCoords(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node coordinates by name/tag
- findShape(self, shapeName, layer=None)
Finds shape by name on given layer Args: shapeName (str): Shape name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flShape or None
- fontMetricsInfo(self, layer=None)
Returns Font(layer) metrics no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: FontMetrics (object)
- getAdvance(self, layer=None)
Get the Advance Width at given layer (int or str)
- getBounds(self, layer=None)
Get Glyph's Boundig Box at given layer (int or str). Returns QRectF.
- getBuilders(self, layer=None, store=False)
- getCompositionDict(self, layer=None)
Return composition dict of a glyph. Elements!
- getCompositionNames(self, layer=None)
Return name of glyph and the parts it is made of.
- getElementNames(self, layer=None)
Return names of elements references used in glyph.
- getLSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Left Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getRSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Right Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getSBeq(self, layer=None)
GET LSB, RSB metric equations on given layer
- getSegment(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Returns contour segment of the node specified at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: CurveEx
- getTags(self)
# - Tags -----------------------------------------------
- guidelines(self, layer=None)
Return list of guidelines (list[flGuideline]) at given layer (int or str)
- hasLayer(self, layerName)
- insertNodeAt(self, cID, nID_time, layer=None)
Inserts node in contour at specified layer Arg: cID (int): Contour Index nID_time (float): Node index + float time layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer !NOTE: FL6 treats contour insertions (as well as nodes) as float times along contour, so inserting a node at .5 t between nodes with indexes 3 and 4 will be 3 (index) + 0.5 (time) = 3.5
- insertNodesAt(self, cID, nID, nodeList, layer=None)
Inserts a list of nodes to specified contour, starting at given index all on layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- isCompatible(self, strong=False)
Test if glyph is ready for interpolation - all master layers are compatible.
- isMixedReference(self)
Test if glyph has mixed references - components on some layers and referenced shapes on others
- italicAngle(self)
- layer(self, layer=None)
Returns layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flLayer
- layers(self)
Return all layers
- mLine(self)
- mapNodes2Times(self, layer=None)
Create map of Nodes at contour times for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Contour Time (int): Node Index (int) }}
- mapTimes2Nodes(self, layer=None)
Create map of Contour times at node indexes for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Node Index (int) : Contour Time (int) }}
- mask(self)
- masks(self)
Returns all mask layers.
- masters(self)
Returns all master layers.
- newAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, anchorType=1)
Not working
- nodes(self, layer=None, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer. extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNodes]
- nodes4segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments and their corresponding nodes at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: dict{time(int):(CurveEx, list[flNode]}
- nodesForIndices(self, indices, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
- noncomplex(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph shapes that are not glyph references or components
- object(self)
- removeLayer(self, layer)
Removes a layer from glyph. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodeAt(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Removes a node from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Index of Node to be removed layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodes(self, cID, nodeList, layer=None)
Removes a list of nodes from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeShape(self, shape, layer=None, recursive=True)
Remove a new shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name recursive (bool): Returns: None
- replaceShape(self, old_shape, new_shape, layer=None)
Repalce a shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name Returns: None
- reportLayerComp(self, strong=False)
Returns a layer compatibility report
- rotate(self, deg, layer=None)
Rotate outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- scale(self, sx, sy, layer=None)
Scale outline at given layer. Args: sx (float), sy (float): delta (scaling) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selected(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes indexes at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedAtContours(self, index=True, layer=None, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the contours they rest upon at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flContour, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(contourID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flContour, flNode)]
- selectedAtShapes(self, index=True, filterOn=False, layer=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the shapes they belong at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flShape, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(shapeID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flShape, flNode)] !TODO: Make it working with layers as selectedAtContours(). This is legacy mode so other scripts would work!
- selectedContours(self, layer=None, allNodesSelected=False)
- selectedCoords(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, applyTransform=False)
Return the coordinates of all selected nodes at the current layer or other. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes applyTransform (bool) : Gets local shape transformation matrix and applies it to the node coordinates Returns: list[QPointF]
- selectedNodeIndices(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedNodes(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes at given layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNode]
- selectedNodesOnCanvas(self, filterOn=False)
# - Glyph Selection -----------------------------------------------
- selectedSegments(self, layer=None)
Returns list of currently selected segments Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selectedShapeIndices(self, select_all=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: select_all (bool): True all nodes on Shape should be selected. False any node will do. Returns: list[int]
- selectedShapes(self, layer=None, select_all=False, deep=False, extend=None)
Return all shapes that have a node selected.
- services(self)
Returns all service layers.
- setADVeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set Advance width metric equation on given layer
- setAdvance(self, newAdvance, layer=None)
Set the Advance Width (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSB(self, newLSB, layer=None)
Set the Left Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set LSB metric equation on given layer
- setMark(self, mark_color, layer=None)
- setName(self, glyph_name)
- setRSB(self, newRSB, layer=None)
Set the Right Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setRSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set RSB metric equation on given layer
- setTags(self, tagList, append=True)
- shapes(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- shapes_data(self, layer=None)
Return all flShapeData objects at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapeData]
- slant(self, deg, layer=None)
Slant outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- tag(self, newTag)
- translate(self, dx, dy, layer=None)
Translate (shift) outline at given layer. Args: dx (float), dy (float): delta (shift) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- update(self, fl=True, fg=False)
Updates the glyph and sends notification to the editor. Args: fl (bool): Update the flGlyph fg (bool): Update the fgGlyph
- updateObject(self, flObject, undoMessage='TypeRig', verbose=True)
Updates a flObject sends notification to the editor as well as undo/history item. Args: flObject (flGlyph, flLayer, flShape, flNode, flContour): Object to be update and set undo state undoMessage (string): Message to be added in undo/history list.
- version(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
Descriptors from pGlyph
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- id
- index
- mark
- name
- package
- tags
- unicode
- unicodes
class pGlyph(builtin.object)
Proxy to flGlyph and fgGlyph combined into single entity. Constructor: pGlyph() : default represents the current glyph and current font pGlyph(flGlyph) pGlyph(fgFont, fgGlyph) Methods: Attributes: .parent (fgFont) .fg (fgGlyph) .fl (flGlyph) ...
- init(self, *argv)
- repr(self)
- activeGuides(self)
- activeLayer(self)
- addAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, layer=None, isAnchor=True)
Adds named Anchor at given layer. Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float)): Anchor coordinates X, Y name (str): Anchor name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer isAnchor (bool): True creates a true flAnchor, False ? (flPinPoint) Returns: None
- addComponents(self, componentConfig, layer=None, useAnchors=True, colorize=False)
Adds a components to given glyph layer. Args: componentConfig (list(tuple(glyph_name (str), glyph_transform (QTransform), layer_pointer (str)))): List contianign component configuration. layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer useAnchors (bool): Compose using anchors colorize (bool): Flag new glyphs Returns: list(flShapes): List of components added
- addGuideline(self, coordTuple, layer=None, angle=0, name='', tag='', color='darkMagenta', style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Adds named Guideline at given layer Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float) or tuple(float,float,float,float)): Guideline coordinates X, Y and given angle or two node reference x1,y1 and x2,y2 name (str): Anchor name angle (float): Incline of the guideline layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- addLayer(self, layer, toBack=False)
Adds a layer to glyph. Args: layer (flLayer or fgLayer) toBack (bool): Send layer to back Returns: None
- addShape(self, shape, layer=None, clone=False)
Add a new shape at given layer. Args: shape (flShape): Shape to be added Returns: flShape
- addShapeContainer(self, shapeList, layer=None, remove=True)
Add a new shape container* at given layer. A flShape containing all of the shapes given that could be transformed to Shape-group or shape-filter. Args: shapeList list(flShape): List if Shapes to be grouped. Returns: flShape
- anchors(self, layer=None)
Return list of anchors (list[flAnchor]) at given layer (int or str)
- blendShapes(self, shapeA, shapeB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two shapes at given times (anisotropic support). Args: shapeA (flShape), shapeB (flShape): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: Native (interpolation engine dependent) or flShape (default)
- clearAnchors(self, layer=None)
Remove all anchors at given layer (int or str)
- components(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph components besides glyph.
- containers(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- contours(self, layer=None, deep=True, extend=None)
Return all contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flContours]
- copyLayer(self, srcLayerName, dstLayerName, options={'adv': True, 'anc': True, 'gui': True, 'lnk': True, 'lsb': True, 'out': True, 'ref': True, 'rsb': True}, addLayer=False, cleanDST=True, toBack=True)
Copies a layer within the glyph. Args: srcLayerName, dstLayerName (string): Source and destination layer names options (dict): Copy Options as follows {'out': Outline, 'gui': Guidelines, 'anc': Anchors, 'lsb': LSB, 'adv': Advance, 'rsb': RSB, 'lnk': Linked metrics, 'ref': References}, addLayer=False): addLayer (bool): Create a new layer cleanDST (bool): Clean destination layer toBack (bool): Add layer to back of the layer stack Returns: flLayer
- decompose(self, layer=None)
Decompose all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- dereference(self, layer=None)
Remove all shape references but leave components. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- draw(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the Pen protocol
- drawPoints(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the PointPen protocol
- duplicateLayer(self, layer=None, newLayerName='New Layer', references=False)
Duplicates a layer with new name and adds it to glyph's layers. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer toBack(bool): send to back Returns: flLayer
- elements(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph elements in glyph
- fg_activeLayer(self)
- fg_contours(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgContours]
- fg_hasLayer(self, layerName)
- fg_layer(self, layer=None)
Returns FontGate layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: fgLayer
- fg_layers(self, asDict=False)
Return all FotnGate layers
- fg_nodes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgNodes]
- fg_shapes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgShapes]
- findAnchor(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor by name/tag
- findAnchorCoords(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor coordinates by name/tag
- findNode(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node by name/tag
- findNodeCoords(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node coordinates by name/tag
- findShape(self, shapeName, layer=None)
Finds shape by name on given layer Args: shapeName (str): Shape name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flShape or None
- fontMetricsInfo(self, layer=None)
Returns Font(layer) metrics no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: FontMetrics (object)
- getAdvance(self, layer=None)
Get the Advance Width at given layer (int or str)
- getBounds(self, layer=None)
Get Glyph's Boundig Box at given layer (int or str). Returns QRectF.
- getBuilders(self, layer=None, store=False)
- getCompositionDict(self, layer=None)
Return composition dict of a glyph. Elements!
- getCompositionNames(self, layer=None)
Return name of glyph and the parts it is made of.
- getElementNames(self, layer=None)
Return names of elements references used in glyph.
- getLSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Left Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getRSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Right Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getSBeq(self, layer=None)
GET LSB, RSB metric equations on given layer
- getSegment(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Returns contour segment of the node specified at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: CurveEx
- getTags(self)
# - Tags -----------------------------------------------
- guidelines(self, layer=None)
Return list of guidelines (list[flGuideline]) at given layer (int or str)
- hasLayer(self, layerName)
- insertNodeAt(self, cID, nID_time, layer=None)
Inserts node in contour at specified layer Arg: cID (int): Contour Index nID_time (float): Node index + float time layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer !NOTE: FL6 treats contour insertions (as well as nodes) as float times along contour, so inserting a node at .5 t between nodes with indexes 3 and 4 will be 3 (index) + 0.5 (time) = 3.5
- insertNodesAt(self, cID, nID, nodeList, layer=None)
Inserts a list of nodes to specified contour, starting at given index all on layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- isCompatible(self, strong=False)
Test if glyph is ready for interpolation - all master layers are compatible.
- isMixedReference(self)
Test if glyph has mixed references - components on some layers and referenced shapes on others
- italicAngle(self)
- layer(self, layer=None)
Returns layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flLayer
- layers(self)
Return all layers
- mLine(self)
- mapNodes2Times(self, layer=None)
Create map of Nodes at contour times for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Contour Time (int): Node Index (int) }}
- mapTimes2Nodes(self, layer=None)
Create map of Contour times at node indexes for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Node Index (int) : Contour Time (int) }}
- mask(self)
- masks(self)
Returns all mask layers.
- masters(self)
Returns all master layers.
- newAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, anchorType=1)
Not working
- nodes(self, layer=None, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer. extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNodes]
- nodes4segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments and their corresponding nodes at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: dict{time(int):(CurveEx, list[flNode]}
- nodesForIndices(self, indices, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
- noncomplex(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph shapes that are not glyph references or components
- object(self)
- removeLayer(self, layer)
Removes a layer from glyph. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodeAt(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Removes a node from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Index of Node to be removed layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodes(self, cID, nodeList, layer=None)
Removes a list of nodes from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeShape(self, shape, layer=None, recursive=True)
Remove a new shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name recursive (bool): Returns: None
- replaceShape(self, old_shape, new_shape, layer=None)
Repalce a shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name Returns: None
- reportLayerComp(self, strong=False)
Returns a layer compatibility report
- rotate(self, deg, layer=None)
Rotate outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- scale(self, sx, sy, layer=None)
Scale outline at given layer. Args: sx (float), sy (float): delta (scaling) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selected(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes indexes at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedAtContours(self, index=True, layer=None, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the contours they rest upon at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flContour, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(contourID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flContour, flNode)]
- selectedAtShapes(self, index=True, filterOn=False, layer=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the shapes they belong at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flShape, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(shapeID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flShape, flNode)] !TODO: Make it working with layers as selectedAtContours(). This is legacy mode so other scripts would work!
- selectedContours(self, layer=None, allNodesSelected=False)
- selectedCoords(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, applyTransform=False)
Return the coordinates of all selected nodes at the current layer or other. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes applyTransform (bool) : Gets local shape transformation matrix and applies it to the node coordinates Returns: list[QPointF]
- selectedNodeIndices(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedNodes(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes at given layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNode]
- selectedNodesOnCanvas(self, filterOn=False)
# - Glyph Selection -----------------------------------------------
- selectedSegments(self, layer=None)
Returns list of currently selected segments Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selectedShapeIndices(self, select_all=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: select_all (bool): True all nodes on Shape should be selected. False any node will do. Returns: list[int]
- selectedShapes(self, layer=None, select_all=False, deep=False, extend=None)
Return all shapes that have a node selected.
- services(self)
Returns all service layers.
- setADVeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set Advance width metric equation on given layer
- setAdvance(self, newAdvance, layer=None)
Set the Advance Width (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSB(self, newLSB, layer=None)
Set the Left Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set LSB metric equation on given layer
- setMark(self, mark_color, layer=None)
- setName(self, glyph_name)
- setRSB(self, newRSB, layer=None)
Set the Right Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setRSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set RSB metric equation on given layer
- setTags(self, tagList, append=True)
- shapes(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- shapes_data(self, layer=None)
Return all flShapeData objects at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapeData]
- slant(self, deg, layer=None)
Slant outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- tag(self, newTag)
- translate(self, dx, dy, layer=None)
Translate (shift) outline at given layer. Args: dx (float), dy (float): delta (shift) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- update(self, fl=True, fg=False)
Updates the glyph and sends notification to the editor. Args: fl (bool): Update the flGlyph fg (bool): Update the fgGlyph
- updateObject(self, flObject, undoMessage='TypeRig', verbose=True)
Updates a flObject sends notification to the editor as well as undo/history item. Args: flObject (flGlyph, flLayer, flShape, flNode, flContour): Object to be update and set undo state undoMessage (string): Message to be added in undo/history list.
- version(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- id
- index
- mark
- name
- package
- tags
- unicode
- unicodes
typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph = class pGlyph(__builtin__.object)
Proxy to flGlyph and fgGlyph combined into single entity. Constructor: pGlyph() : default represents the current glyph and current font pGlyph(flGlyph) pGlyph(fgFont, fgGlyph) Methods: Attributes: .parent (fgFont) .fg (fgGlyph) .fl (flGlyph) ...
- __init__(self, *argv)
- __repr__(self)
- activeGuides(self)
- activeLayer(self)
- addAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, layer=None, isAnchor=True)
Adds named Anchor at given layer. Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float)): Anchor coordinates X, Y name (str): Anchor name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer isAnchor (bool): True creates a true flAnchor, False ? (flPinPoint) Returns: None
- addComponents(self, componentConfig, layer=None, useAnchors=True, colorize=False)
Adds a components to given glyph layer. Args: componentConfig (list(tuple(glyph_name (str), glyph_transform (QTransform), layer_pointer (str)))): List contianign component configuration. layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer useAnchors (bool): Compose using anchors colorize (bool): Flag new glyphs Returns: list(flShapes): List of components added
- addGuideline(self, coordTuple, layer=None, angle=0, name='', tag='', color='darkMagenta', style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Adds named Guideline at given layer Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float) or tuple(float,float,float,float)): Guideline coordinates X, Y and given angle or two node reference x1,y1 and x2,y2 name (str): Anchor name angle (float): Incline of the guideline layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- addLayer(self, layer, toBack=False)
Adds a layer to glyph. Args: layer (flLayer or fgLayer) toBack (bool): Send layer to back Returns: None
- addShape(self, shape, layer=None, clone=False)
Add a new shape at given layer. Args: shape (flShape): Shape to be added Returns: flShape
- addShapeContainer(self, shapeList, layer=None, remove=True)
Add a new shape container* at given layer. A flShape containing all of the shapes given that could be transformed to Shape-group or shape-filter. Args: shapeList list(flShape): List if Shapes to be grouped. Returns: flShape
- anchors(self, layer=None)
Return list of anchors (list[flAnchor]) at given layer (int or str)
- blendShapes(self, shapeA, shapeB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two shapes at given times (anisotropic support). Args: shapeA (flShape), shapeB (flShape): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: Native (interpolation engine dependent) or flShape (default)
- clearAnchors(self, layer=None)
Remove all anchors at given layer (int or str)
- components(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph components besides glyph.
- containers(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- contours(self, layer=None, deep=True, extend=None)
Return all contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flContours]
- copyLayer(self, srcLayerName, dstLayerName, options={'adv': True, 'anc': True, 'gui': True, 'lnk': True, 'lsb': True, 'out': True, 'ref': True, 'rsb': True}, addLayer=False, cleanDST=True, toBack=True)
Copies a layer within the glyph. Args: srcLayerName, dstLayerName (string): Source and destination layer names options (dict): Copy Options as follows {'out': Outline, 'gui': Guidelines, 'anc': Anchors, 'lsb': LSB, 'adv': Advance, 'rsb': RSB, 'lnk': Linked metrics, 'ref': References}, addLayer=False): addLayer (bool): Create a new layer cleanDST (bool): Clean destination layer toBack (bool): Add layer to back of the layer stack Returns: flLayer
- decompose(self, layer=None)
Decompose all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- dereference(self, layer=None)
Remove all shape references but leave components. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- draw(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the Pen protocol
- drawPoints(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the PointPen protocol
- duplicateLayer(self, layer=None, newLayerName='New Layer', references=False)
Duplicates a layer with new name and adds it to glyph's layers. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer toBack(bool): send to back Returns: flLayer
- elements(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph elements in glyph
- fg_activeLayer(self)
- fg_contours(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgContours]
- fg_hasLayer(self, layerName)
- fg_layer(self, layer=None)
Returns FontGate layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: fgLayer
- fg_layers(self, asDict=False)
Return all FotnGate layers
- fg_nodes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgNodes]
- fg_shapes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgShapes]
- findAnchor(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor by name/tag
- findAnchorCoords(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor coordinates by name/tag
- findNode(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node by name/tag
- findNodeCoords(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node coordinates by name/tag
- findShape(self, shapeName, layer=None)
Finds shape by name on given layer Args: shapeName (str): Shape name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flShape or None
- fontMetricsInfo(self, layer=None)
Returns Font(layer) metrics no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: FontMetrics (object)
- getAdvance(self, layer=None)
Get the Advance Width at given layer (int or str)
- getBounds(self, layer=None)
Get Glyph's Boundig Box at given layer (int or str). Returns QRectF.
- getBuilders(self, layer=None, store=False)
- getCompositionDict(self, layer=None)
Return composition dict of a glyph. Elements!
- getCompositionNames(self, layer=None)
Return name of glyph and the parts it is made of.
- getElementNames(self, layer=None)
Return names of elements references used in glyph.
- getLSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Left Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getRSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Right Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getSBeq(self, layer=None)
GET LSB, RSB metric equations on given layer
- getSegment(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Returns contour segment of the node specified at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: CurveEx
- getTags(self)
# - Tags -----------------------------------------------
- guidelines(self, layer=None)
Return list of guidelines (list[flGuideline]) at given layer (int or str)
- hasLayer(self, layerName)
- insertNodeAt(self, cID, nID_time, layer=None)
Inserts node in contour at specified layer Arg: cID (int): Contour Index nID_time (float): Node index + float time layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer !NOTE: FL6 treats contour insertions (as well as nodes) as float times along contour, so inserting a node at .5 t between nodes with indexes 3 and 4 will be 3 (index) + 0.5 (time) = 3.5
- insertNodesAt(self, cID, nID, nodeList, layer=None)
Inserts a list of nodes to specified contour, starting at given index all on layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- isCompatible(self, strong=False)
Test if glyph is ready for interpolation - all master layers are compatible.
- isMixedReference(self)
Test if glyph has mixed references - components on some layers and referenced shapes on others
- italicAngle(self)
- layer(self, layer=None)
Returns layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flLayer
- layers(self)
Return all layers
- mLine(self)
- mapNodes2Times(self, layer=None)
Create map of Nodes at contour times for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Contour Time (int): Node Index (int) }}
- mapTimes2Nodes(self, layer=None)
Create map of Contour times at node indexes for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Node Index (int) : Contour Time (int) }}
- mask(self)
- masks(self)
Returns all mask layers.
- masters(self)
Returns all master layers.
- newAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, anchorType=1)
Not working
- nodes(self, layer=None, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer. extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNodes]
- nodes4segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments and their corresponding nodes at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: dict{time(int):(CurveEx, list[flNode]}
- nodesForIndices(self, indices, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
- noncomplex(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph shapes that are not glyph references or components
- object(self)
- removeLayer(self, layer)
Removes a layer from glyph. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodeAt(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Removes a node from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Index of Node to be removed layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodes(self, cID, nodeList, layer=None)
Removes a list of nodes from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeShape(self, shape, layer=None, recursive=True)
Remove a new shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name recursive (bool): Returns: None
- replaceShape(self, old_shape, new_shape, layer=None)
Repalce a shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name Returns: None
- reportLayerComp(self, strong=False)
Returns a layer compatibility report
- rotate(self, deg, layer=None)
Rotate outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- scale(self, sx, sy, layer=None)
Scale outline at given layer. Args: sx (float), sy (float): delta (scaling) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selected(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes indexes at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedAtContours(self, index=True, layer=None, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the contours they rest upon at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flContour, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(contourID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flContour, flNode)]
- selectedAtShapes(self, index=True, filterOn=False, layer=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the shapes they belong at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flShape, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(shapeID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flShape, flNode)] !TODO: Make it working with layers as selectedAtContours(). This is legacy mode so other scripts would work!
- selectedContours(self, layer=None, allNodesSelected=False)
- selectedCoords(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, applyTransform=False)
Return the coordinates of all selected nodes at the current layer or other. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes applyTransform (bool) : Gets local shape transformation matrix and applies it to the node coordinates Returns: list[QPointF]
- selectedNodeIndices(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedNodes(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes at given layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNode]
- selectedNodesOnCanvas(self, filterOn=False)
# - Glyph Selection -----------------------------------------------
- selectedSegments(self, layer=None)
Returns list of currently selected segments Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selectedShapeIndices(self, select_all=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: select_all (bool): True all nodes on Shape should be selected. False any node will do. Returns: list[int]
- selectedShapes(self, layer=None, select_all=False, deep=False, extend=None)
Return all shapes that have a node selected.
- services(self)
Returns all service layers.
- setADVeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set Advance width metric equation on given layer
- setAdvance(self, newAdvance, layer=None)
Set the Advance Width (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSB(self, newLSB, layer=None)
Set the Left Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set LSB metric equation on given layer
- setMark(self, mark_color, layer=None)
- setName(self, glyph_name)
- setRSB(self, newRSB, layer=None)
Set the Right Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setRSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set RSB metric equation on given layer
- setTags(self, tagList, append=True)
- shapes(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- shapes_data(self, layer=None)
Return all flShapeData objects at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapeData]
- slant(self, deg, layer=None)
Slant outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- tag(self, newTag)
- translate(self, dx, dy, layer=None)
Translate (shift) outline at given layer. Args: dx (float), dy (float): delta (shift) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- update(self, fl=True, fg=False)
Updates the glyph and sends notification to the editor. Args: fl (bool): Update the flGlyph fg (bool): Update the fgGlyph
- updateObject(self, flObject, undoMessage='TypeRig', verbose=True)
Updates a flObject sends notification to the editor as well as undo/history item. Args: flObject (flGlyph, flLayer, flShape, flNode, flContour): Object to be update and set undo state undoMessage (string): Message to be added in undo/history list.
- version(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- id
- index
- mark
- name
- package
- tags
- unicode
- unicodes
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.nodes = nodes(self, layer=None, extend=None, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer. extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNodes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fg_nodes = fg_nodes(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all FontGate nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgNodes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.contours = contours(self, layer=None, deep=True, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flContours]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fg_contours = fg_contours(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all FontGate contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgContours]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.layers = layers(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all layers
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fg_layers = fg_layers(self, asDict=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all FotnGate layers
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.layer = layer(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flLayer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fg_layer = fg_layer(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns FontGate layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: fgLayer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.shapes = shapes(self, layer=None, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getElementNames = getElementNames(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return names of elements references used in glyph.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.dereference = dereference(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Remove all shape references but leave components. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.containers = containers(self, layer=None, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.decompose = decompose(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Decompose all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addShape = addShape(self, shape, layer=None, clone=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Add a new shape at given layer. Args: shape (flShape): Shape to be added Returns: flShape
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.replaceShape = replaceShape(self, old_shape, new_shape, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Repalce a shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.removeShape = removeShape(self, shape, layer=None, recursive=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Remove a new shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name recursive (bool): Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addShapeContainer = addShapeContainer(self, shapeList, layer=None, remove=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Add a new shape container* at given layer. A flShape containing all of the shapes given that could be transformed to Shape-group or shape-filter. Args: shapeList list(flShape): List if Shapes to be grouped. Returns: flShape
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.findShape = findShape(self, shapeName, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Finds shape by name on given layer Args: shapeName (str): Shape name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flShape or None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.shapes_data = shapes_data(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all flShapeData objects at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapeData]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fg_shapes = fg_shapes(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all FontGate shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgShapes]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.elements = elements(self, layer=None, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all glyph elements in glyph
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.noncomplex = noncomplex(self, layer=None, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all glyph shapes that are not glyph references or components
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.components = components(self, layer=None, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all glyph components besides glyph.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getCompositionNames = getCompositionNames(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return name of glyph and the parts it is made of.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getCompositionDict = getCompositionDict(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return composition dict of a glyph. Elements!
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addComponents = addComponents(self, componentConfig, layer=None, useAnchors=True, colorize=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Adds a components to given glyph layer. Args: componentConfig (list(tuple(glyph_name (str), glyph_transform (QTransform), layer_pointer (str)))): List contianign component configuration. layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer useAnchors (bool): Compose using anchors colorize (bool): Flag new glyphs Returns: list(flShapes): List of components added
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.masters = masters(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns all master layers.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.masks = masks(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns all mask layers.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.services = services(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns all service layers.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addLayer = addLayer(self, layer, toBack=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Adds a layer to glyph. Args: layer (flLayer or fgLayer) toBack (bool): Send layer to back Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.removeLayer = removeLayer(self, layer) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Removes a layer from glyph. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.duplicateLayer = duplicateLayer(self, layer=None, newLayerName='New Layer', references=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Duplicates a layer with new name and adds it to glyph's layers. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer toBack(bool): send to back Returns: flLayer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.copyLayer = copyLayer(self, srcLayerName, dstLayerName, options={'adv': True, 'anc': True, 'gui': True, 'lnk': True, 'lsb': True, 'out': True, 'ref': True, 'rsb': True}, addLayer=False, cleanDST=True, toBack=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Copies a layer within the glyph. Args: srcLayerName, dstLayerName (string): Source and destination layer names options (dict): Copy Options as follows {'out': Outline, 'gui': Guidelines, 'anc': Anchors, 'lsb': LSB, 'adv': Advance, 'rsb': RSB, 'lnk': Linked metrics, 'ref': References}, addLayer=False): addLayer (bool): Create a new layer cleanDST (bool): Clean destination layer toBack (bool): Add layer to back of the layer stack Returns: flLayer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.isCompatible = isCompatible(self, strong=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Test if glyph is ready for interpolation - all master layers are compatible.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.isMixedReference = isMixedReference(self) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Test if glyph has mixed references - components on some layers and referenced shapes on others
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.reportLayerComp = reportLayerComp(self, strong=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns a layer compatibility report
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.update = update(self, fl=True, fg=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Updates the glyph and sends notification to the editor. Args: fl (bool): Update the flGlyph fg (bool): Update the fgGlyph
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.updateObject = updateObject(self, flObject, undoMessage='TypeRig', verbose=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Updates a flObject sends notification to the editor as well as undo/history item. Args: flObject (flGlyph, flLayer, flShape, flNode, flContour): Object to be update and set undo state undoMessage (string): Message to be added in undo/history list.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedNodeIndices = selectedNodeIndices(self, filterOn=False, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selected = selected(self, filterOn=False, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all selected nodes indexes at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedNodes = selectedNodes(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all selected nodes at given layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNode]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedAtContours = selectedAtContours(self, index=True, layer=None, filterOn=False, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all selected nodes and the contours they rest upon at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flContour, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(contourID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flContour, flNode)]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedAtShapes = selectedAtShapes(self, index=True, filterOn=False, layer=None, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all selected nodes and the shapes they belong at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flShape, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(shapeID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flShape, flNode)] !TODO: Make it working with layers as selectedAtContours(). This is legacy mode so other scripts would work!
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedShapeIndices = selectedShapeIndices(self, select_all=False, deep=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: select_all (bool): True all nodes on Shape should be selected. False any node will do. Returns: list[int]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedShapes = selectedShapes(self, layer=None, select_all=False, deep=False, extend=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return all shapes that have a node selected.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedCoords = selectedCoords(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, applyTransform=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return the coordinates of all selected nodes at the current layer or other. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes applyTransform (bool) : Gets local shape transformation matrix and applies it to the node coordinates Returns: list[QPointF]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.selectedSegments = selectedSegments(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns list of currently selected segments Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.findNode = findNode(self, nodeName, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Find node by name/tag
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.findNodeCoords = findNodeCoords(self, nodeName, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Find node coordinates by name/tag
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.mapNodes2Times = mapNodes2Times(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Create map of Nodes at contour times for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Contour Time (int): Node Index (int) }}
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.mapTimes2Nodes = mapTimes2Nodes(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Create map of Contour times at node indexes for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Node Index (int) : Contour Time (int) }}
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getSegment = getSegment(self, cID, nID, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns contour segment of the node specified at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: CurveEx
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.segments = segments(self, cID, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns all contour segments at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.nodes4segments = nodes4segments(self, cID, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns all contour segments and their corresponding nodes at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: dict{time(int):(CurveEx, list[flNode]}
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.insertNodesAt = insertNodesAt(self, cID, nID, nodeList, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Inserts a list of nodes to specified contour, starting at given index all on layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.removeNodes = removeNodes(self, cID, nodeList, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Removes a list of nodes from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.insertNodeAt = insertNodeAt(self, cID, nID_time, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Inserts node in contour at specified layer Arg: cID (int): Contour Index nID_time (float): Node index + float time layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer !NOTE: FL6 treats contour insertions (as well as nodes) as float times along contour, so inserting a node at .5 t between nodes with indexes 3 and 4 will be 3 (index) + 0.5 (time) = 3.5
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.removeNodeAt = removeNodeAt(self, cID, nID, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Removes a node from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Index of Node to be removed layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.translate = translate(self, dx, dy, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Translate (shift) outline at given layer. Args: dx (float), dy (float): delta (shift) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.scale = scale(self, sx, sy, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Scale outline at given layer. Args: sx (float), sy (float): delta (scaling) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.slant = slant(self, deg, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Slant outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.rotate = rotate(self, deg, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Rotate outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.blendShapes = blendShapes(self, shapeA, shapeB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg') unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Blend two shapes at given times (anisotropic support). Args: shapeA (flShape), shapeB (flShape): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: Native (interpolation engine dependent) or flShape (default)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getLSB = getLSB(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Get the Left Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getAdvance = getAdvance(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Get the Advance Width at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getRSB = getRSB(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Get the Right Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getBounds = getBounds(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Get Glyph's Boundig Box at given layer (int or str). Returns QRectF.
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setLSB = setLSB(self, newLSB, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set the Left Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setRSB = setRSB(self, newRSB, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set the Right Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setAdvance = setAdvance(self, newAdvance, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set the Advance Width (int) at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setLSBeq = setLSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set LSB metric equation on given layer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setRSBeq = setRSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set RSB metric equation on given layer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.setADVeq = setADVeq(self, equationStr, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Set Advance width metric equation on given layer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.getSBeq = getSBeq(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
GET LSB, RSB metric equations on given layer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.fontMetricsInfo = fontMetricsInfo(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Returns Font(layer) metrics no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: FontMetrics (object)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.anchors = anchors(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return list of anchors (list[flAnchor]) at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addAnchor = addAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, layer=None, isAnchor=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Adds named Anchor at given layer. Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float)): Anchor coordinates X, Y name (str): Anchor name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer isAnchor (bool): True creates a true flAnchor, False ? (flPinPoint) Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.newAnchor = newAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, anchorType=1) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Not working
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.clearAnchors = clearAnchors(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Remove all anchors at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.findAnchor = findAnchor(self, anchorName, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Find anchor by name/tag
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.findAnchorCoords = findAnchorCoords(self, anchorName, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Find anchor coordinates by name/tag
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.guidelines = guidelines(self, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Return list of guidelines (list[flGuideline]) at given layer (int or str)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.addGuideline = addGuideline(self, coordTuple, layer=None, angle=0, name='', tag='', color='darkMagenta', style='gsGlyphGuideline') unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Adds named Guideline at given layer Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float) or tuple(float,float,float,float)): Guideline coordinates X, Y and given angle or two node reference x1,y1 and x2,y2 name (str): Anchor name angle (float): Incline of the guideline layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.draw = draw(self, pen, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Utilizes the Pen protocol
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph.drawPoints = drawPoints(self, pen, layer=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.pGlyph method
Utilizes the PointPen protocol
typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph = class eGlyph(pGlyph)
Extended representation of the Proxy Glyph, adding some advanced functionality Constructor: pGlyph() - default represents the current glyph and current font pGlyph(fgFont, fgGlyph)
- Method resolution order:
- eGlyph
- pGlyph
- __builtin__.object
- bindCompMetrics(self, layer=None, bindIndex=None)
Auto bind metrics to the base composite glyph or to specified shape index
- blendLayers(self, layerA, layerB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two layers at given times (anisotropic support). Args: layerA (flLayer), layerB (flLayer): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: flLayer
- breakContour(self, contourId, nodeId, layer=None, expand=0)
Split Contour at given node and layer. Extrapolate line endings if needed. Args: contourId (int): Contour Index nodeId (int): Node Index layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value Returns: flContour
- copyADVbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy Advance width from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- copyLSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy LSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- copyMetricsbyName(self, metricTriple=(None, None, None), layers=None, order=(0, 0, 0), adjustPercent=(100, 100, 100), adjustUnits=(0, 0, 0))
Copy LSB, RSB and Advance width from glyphs specified by Glyph Name. Args: metricTriple tuple(str): Names of source glyphs for (LSB, RSB, ADV) layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order tuple(bool): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. (LSB, RSB, 0) adjustPercent tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) adjustUnits tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) Return: None
- copyRSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0)
Copy RSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- dropAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple, alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False)
Drop anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- dropGuide(self, nodes=None, layers=None, name='*DropGuideline', tag='', color='darkMagenta', flip=(1, 1), style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Build guideline trough *any two* given points or the *first two of the current selection*. If *single point* is given will create a vertical guideline trough that point, with guideline inclined according to the font's Italic Angle. if process layers (pLayers) is None guideline will be created in all compatible layers, otherwise the bool control tuple (active_layer (True or False), masters (True or False), masks (True or False), services (True or False)) is used. If all are set to False only the active layer is used. Args: nodes (list(int)): List of node indexes layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. name (str): Name of the guideline to be build color (str): Color of the guideline according to QtCore colors style (str): Style of the guideline according to FontLab 6 Returns: None
- getAttachmentCenters(self, layer, tolerance=5, applyTransform=True, getAll=False)
Return X center of lowest, highest Y of [glyph] for [layer] within given [tolerance] Note: Determine diacritic to glyph attachment positions (for anchor placement)
- getNewBaseCoords(self, layer, adjustTuple, alignTuple, tolerance=5, italic=False, initPosTuple=(0.0, 0.0))
Calculate Anchor base position Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int/float, int/float): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int/float): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* initPosTuple (int/float, int/float): Itinital anchor position *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: x, y (int/float)
- lerpLayerFg(self, l0_Name, l1_Name)
- moveAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple=(0, 0), alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False)
Move anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- reorder_shapes(self, layer=None, mode=(0, 0))
Auto reorder shapes on given layer using criteria. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both mode (bool, bool): Mode of shape reordering/sorting by (X, Y) Returns: None
- setStart(self, layer=None, control=(0, 0))
- splitContour(self, scnPairs=None, layers=None, expand=0, close=False)
Split Contour at given node and combinations of compatible layers. Extrapolate line endings and close contour if needed. Args: scnPairs (list(tuple)): Shape-contour-node pairs for the selected nodes [(Shape Index, Contour Index, Node Index)..()] layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value close (bool): True = Close contour Return: None
- ungroup_all_shapes(self, layer=None, applyTransform=True)
Ungroup all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both applyTransform (bool): Apply transformation at shape. Returns: None
Methods from pGlyph
- __init__(self, *argv)
- __repr__(self)
- activeGuides(self)
- activeLayer(self)
- addAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, layer=None, isAnchor=True)
Adds named Anchor at given layer. Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float)): Anchor coordinates X, Y name (str): Anchor name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer isAnchor (bool): True creates a true flAnchor, False ? (flPinPoint) Returns: None
- addComponents(self, componentConfig, layer=None, useAnchors=True, colorize=False)
Adds a components to given glyph layer. Args: componentConfig (list(tuple(glyph_name (str), glyph_transform (QTransform), layer_pointer (str)))): List contianign component configuration. layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer useAnchors (bool): Compose using anchors colorize (bool): Flag new glyphs Returns: list(flShapes): List of components added
- addGuideline(self, coordTuple, layer=None, angle=0, name='', tag='', color='darkMagenta', style='gsGlyphGuideline')
Adds named Guideline at given layer Args: coordTuple (tuple(float,float) or tuple(float,float,float,float)): Guideline coordinates X, Y and given angle or two node reference x1,y1 and x2,y2 name (str): Anchor name angle (float): Incline of the guideline layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- addLayer(self, layer, toBack=False)
Adds a layer to glyph. Args: layer (flLayer or fgLayer) toBack (bool): Send layer to back Returns: None
- addShape(self, shape, layer=None, clone=False)
Add a new shape at given layer. Args: shape (flShape): Shape to be added Returns: flShape
- addShapeContainer(self, shapeList, layer=None, remove=True)
Add a new shape container* at given layer. A flShape containing all of the shapes given that could be transformed to Shape-group or shape-filter. Args: shapeList list(flShape): List if Shapes to be grouped. Returns: flShape
- anchors(self, layer=None)
Return list of anchors (list[flAnchor]) at given layer (int or str)
- blendShapes(self, shapeA, shapeB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg')
Blend two shapes at given times (anisotropic support). Args: shapeA (flShape), shapeB (flShape): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: Native (interpolation engine dependent) or flShape (default)
- clearAnchors(self, layer=None)
Remove all anchors at given layer (int or str)
- components(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph components besides glyph.
- containers(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- contours(self, layer=None, deep=True, extend=None)
Return all contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flContours]
- copyLayer(self, srcLayerName, dstLayerName, options={'adv': True, 'anc': True, 'gui': True, 'lnk': True, 'lsb': True, 'out': True, 'ref': True, 'rsb': True}, addLayer=False, cleanDST=True, toBack=True)
Copies a layer within the glyph. Args: srcLayerName, dstLayerName (string): Source and destination layer names options (dict): Copy Options as follows {'out': Outline, 'gui': Guidelines, 'anc': Anchors, 'lsb': LSB, 'adv': Advance, 'rsb': RSB, 'lnk': Linked metrics, 'ref': References}, addLayer=False): addLayer (bool): Create a new layer cleanDST (bool): Clean destination layer toBack (bool): Add layer to back of the layer stack Returns: flLayer
- decompose(self, layer=None)
Decompose all complex shapes that contain other shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- dereference(self, layer=None)
Remove all shape references but leave components. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- draw(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the Pen protocol
- drawPoints(self, pen, layer=None)
Utilizes the PointPen protocol
- duplicateLayer(self, layer=None, newLayerName='New Layer', references=False)
Duplicates a layer with new name and adds it to glyph's layers. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer toBack(bool): send to back Returns: flLayer
- elements(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph elements in glyph
- fg_activeLayer(self)
- fg_contours(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate contours at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgContours]
- fg_hasLayer(self, layerName)
- fg_layer(self, layer=None)
Returns FontGate layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: fgLayer
- fg_layers(self, asDict=False)
Return all FotnGate layers
- fg_nodes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgNodes]
- fg_shapes(self, layer=None)
Return all FontGate shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[fgShapes]
- findAnchor(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor by name/tag
- findAnchorCoords(self, anchorName, layer=None)
Find anchor coordinates by name/tag
- findNode(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node by name/tag
- findNodeCoords(self, nodeName, layer=None)
Find node coordinates by name/tag
- findShape(self, shapeName, layer=None)
Finds shape by name on given layer Args: shapeName (str): Shape name layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flShape or None
- fontMetricsInfo(self, layer=None)
Returns Font(layer) metrics no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: FontMetrics (object)
- getAdvance(self, layer=None)
Get the Advance Width at given layer (int or str)
- getBounds(self, layer=None)
Get Glyph's Boundig Box at given layer (int or str). Returns QRectF.
- getBuilders(self, layer=None, store=False)
- getCompositionDict(self, layer=None)
Return composition dict of a glyph. Elements!
- getCompositionNames(self, layer=None)
Return name of glyph and the parts it is made of.
- getElementNames(self, layer=None)
Return names of elements references used in glyph.
- getLSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Left Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getRSB(self, layer=None)
Get the Right Side-bearing at given layer (int or str)
- getSBeq(self, layer=None)
GET LSB, RSB metric equations on given layer
- getSegment(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Returns contour segment of the node specified at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: CurveEx
- getTags(self)
# - Tags -----------------------------------------------
- guidelines(self, layer=None)
Return list of guidelines (list[flGuideline]) at given layer (int or str)
- hasLayer(self, layerName)
- insertNodeAt(self, cID, nID_time, layer=None)
Inserts node in contour at specified layer Arg: cID (int): Contour Index nID_time (float): Node index + float time layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer !NOTE: FL6 treats contour insertions (as well as nodes) as float times along contour, so inserting a node at .5 t between nodes with indexes 3 and 4 will be 3 (index) + 0.5 (time) = 3.5
- insertNodesAt(self, cID, nID, nodeList, layer=None)
Inserts a list of nodes to specified contour, starting at given index all on layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Node of insertion index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- isCompatible(self, strong=False)
Test if glyph is ready for interpolation - all master layers are compatible.
- isMixedReference(self)
Test if glyph has mixed references - components on some layers and referenced shapes on others
- italicAngle(self)
- layer(self, layer=None)
Returns layer no matter the reference. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: flLayer
- layers(self)
Return all layers
- mLine(self)
- mapNodes2Times(self, layer=None)
Create map of Nodes at contour times for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Contour Time (int): Node Index (int) }}
- mapTimes2Nodes(self, layer=None)
Create map of Contour times at node indexes for every contour in given layer Returns: dict{Contour index (int) : dict{Node Index (int) : Contour Time (int) }}
- mask(self)
- masks(self)
Returns all mask layers.
- masters(self)
Returns all master layers.
- newAnchor(self, coordTuple, name, anchorType=1)
Not working
- nodes(self, layer=None, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all nodes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer. extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNodes]
- nodes4segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments and their corresponding nodes at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: dict{time(int):(CurveEx, list[flNode]}
- nodesForIndices(self, indices, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
- noncomplex(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all glyph shapes that are not glyph references or components
- object(self)
- removeLayer(self, layer)
Removes a layer from glyph. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodeAt(self, cID, nID, layer=None)
Removes a node from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nID (int): Index of Node to be removed layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeNodes(self, cID, nodeList, layer=None)
Removes a list of nodes from contour at layer specified. Args: cID (int): Contour index nodeList (list): List of flNode objects layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- removeShape(self, shape, layer=None, recursive=True)
Remove a new shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name recursive (bool): Returns: None
- replaceShape(self, old_shape, new_shape, layer=None)
Repalce a shape at given layer. Args: old_shape, new_shape (flShape): Shapes layer (str): Layer name Returns: None
- reportLayerComp(self, strong=False)
Returns a layer compatibility report
- rotate(self, deg, layer=None)
Rotate outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- scale(self, sx, sy, layer=None)
Scale outline at given layer. Args: sx (float), sy (float): delta (scaling) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- segments(self, cID, layer=None)
Returns all contour segments at given layer Args: cID (int): Contour index layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selected(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes indexes at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedAtContours(self, index=True, layer=None, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the contours they rest upon at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flContour, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(contourID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flContour, flNode)]
- selectedAtShapes(self, index=True, filterOn=False, layer=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes and the shapes they belong at current layer. Args: index (bool): If True returns only indexes, False returns flShape, flNode filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[tuple(int, int)]: [(shapeID, nodeID)..()] or list[tuple(flShape, flNode)] !TODO: Make it working with layers as selectedAtContours(). This is legacy mode so other scripts would work!
- selectedContours(self, layer=None, allNodesSelected=False)
- selectedCoords(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, applyTransform=False)
Return the coordinates of all selected nodes at the current layer or other. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes applyTransform (bool) : Gets local shape transformation matrix and applies it to the node coordinates Returns: list[QPointF]
- selectedNodeIndices(self, filterOn=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes Returns: list[int]
- selectedNodes(self, layer=None, filterOn=False, extend=None, deep=False)
Return all selected nodes at given layer. Args: filterOn (bool): Return only on-curve nodes extend (class): A class construct with extended functionality to be applied on every node. Returns: list[flNode]
- selectedNodesOnCanvas(self, filterOn=False)
# - Glyph Selection -----------------------------------------------
- selectedSegments(self, layer=None)
Returns list of currently selected segments Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[CurveEx]
- selectedShapeIndices(self, select_all=False, deep=False)
Return all indices of nodes selected at current layer. Args: select_all (bool): True all nodes on Shape should be selected. False any node will do. Returns: list[int]
- selectedShapes(self, layer=None, select_all=False, deep=False, extend=None)
Return all shapes that have a node selected.
- services(self)
Returns all service layers.
- setADVeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set Advance width metric equation on given layer
- setAdvance(self, newAdvance, layer=None)
Set the Advance Width (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSB(self, newLSB, layer=None)
Set the Left Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setLSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set LSB metric equation on given layer
- setMark(self, mark_color, layer=None)
- setName(self, glyph_name)
- setRSB(self, newRSB, layer=None)
Set the Right Side-bearing (int) at given layer (int or str)
- setRSBeq(self, equationStr, layer=None)
Set RSB metric equation on given layer
- setTags(self, tagList, append=True)
- shapes(self, layer=None, extend=None)
Return all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapes]
- shapes_data(self, layer=None)
Return all flShapeData objects at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: list[flShapeData]
- slant(self, deg, layer=None)
Slant outline at given layer. Args: deg (float): degrees of slant layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- tag(self, newTag)
- translate(self, dx, dy, layer=None)
Translate (shift) outline at given layer. Args: dx (float), dy (float): delta (shift) X, Y layer (int or str): Layer index or name. If None returns ActiveLayer Returns: None
- update(self, fl=True, fg=False)
Updates the glyph and sends notification to the editor. Args: fl (bool): Update the flGlyph fg (bool): Update the fgGlyph
- updateObject(self, flObject, undoMessage='TypeRig', verbose=True)
Updates a flObject sends notification to the editor as well as undo/history item. Args: flObject (flGlyph, flLayer, flShape, flNode, flContour): Object to be update and set undo state undoMessage (string): Message to be added in undo/history list.
- version(self)
# - Basics -----------------------------------------------
Descriptors from pGlyph
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- id
- index
- mark
- name
- package
- tags
- unicode
- unicodes
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.breakContour = breakContour(self, contourId, nodeId, layer=None, expand=0) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Split Contour at given node and layer. Extrapolate line endings if needed. Args: contourId (int): Contour Index nodeId (int): Node Index layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value Returns: flContour
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.splitContour = splitContour(self, scnPairs=None, layers=None, expand=0, close=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Split Contour at given node and combinations of compatible layers. Extrapolate line endings and close contour if needed. Args: scnPairs (list(tuple)): Shape-contour-node pairs for the selected nodes [(Shape Index, Contour Index, Node Index)..()] layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. expand (float): Will extrapolate the line endings at that given value close (bool): True = Close contour Return: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.dropGuide = dropGuide(self, nodes=None, layers=None, name='*DropGuideline', tag='', color='darkMagenta', flip=(1, 1), style='gsGlyphGuideline') unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Build guideline trough *any two* given points or the *first two of the current selection*. If *single point* is given will create a vertical guideline trough that point, with guideline inclined according to the font's Italic Angle. if process layers (pLayers) is None guideline will be created in all compatible layers, otherwise the bool control tuple (active_layer (True or False), masters (True or False), masks (True or False), services (True or False)) is used. If all are set to False only the active layer is used. Args: nodes (list(int)): List of node indexes layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. name (str): Name of the guideline to be build color (str): Color of the guideline according to QtCore colors style (str): Style of the guideline according to FontLab 6 Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.copyLSBbyName = copyLSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Copy LSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.copyRSBbyName = copyRSBbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, order=0, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Copy RSB from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order (bool or int): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.copyADVbyName = copyADVbyName(self, glyphName, layers=None, adjustPercent=100, adjustUnits=0) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Copy Advance width from another glyph specified by Glyph Name. Args: glyphName (str): Name of source glyph layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. adjustPercent (int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) adjustUnits (int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) Return: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.copyMetricsbyName = copyMetricsbyName(self, metricTriple=(None, None, None), layers=None, order=(0, 0, 0), adjustPercent=(100, 100, 100), adjustUnits=(0, 0, 0)) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Copy LSB, RSB and Advance width from glyphs specified by Glyph Name. Args: metricTriple tuple(str): Names of source glyphs for (LSB, RSB, ADV) layers tuple(bool): Bool control tuple(active_layer, masters, masks, services). Note If all are set to False only the active layer is used. order tuple(bool): Use source LSB (0 False) or RSB (1 True). Flips the metric copied. (LSB, RSB, 0) adjustPercent tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by percent (100 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) adjustUnits tuple(int): Adjust the copied metric by units (0 default) - (LSB, RSB, ADV) Return: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.bindCompMetrics = bindCompMetrics(self, layer=None, bindIndex=None) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Auto bind metrics to the base composite glyph or to specified shape index
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.blendLayers = blendLayers(self, layerA, layerB, blendTimes, outputFL=True, blendMode=0, engine='fg') unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Blend two layers at given times (anisotropic support). Args: layerA (flLayer), layerB (flLayer): Shapes to be interpolated blendTimes (int or float or tuple(float, float)): (int) for percent 0%-100% or (float) time for both X,Y or tuple(float,float) times for anisotropic blending outputFL (bool): Return blend native format or flShape (default) blendMode (int): ? engine (str): 'fg' for FontGate (in-build). Returns: flLayer
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.getAttachmentCenters = getAttachmentCenters(self, layer, tolerance=5, applyTransform=True, getAll=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Return X center of lowest, highest Y of [glyph] for [layer] within given [tolerance] Note: Determine diacritic to glyph attachment positions (for anchor placement)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.getNewBaseCoords = getNewBaseCoords(self, layer, adjustTuple, alignTuple, tolerance=5, italic=False, initPosTuple=(0.0, 0.0)) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Calculate Anchor base position Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int/float, int/float): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int/float): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* initPosTuple (int/float, int/float): Itinital anchor position *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: x, y (int/float)
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.dropAnchor = dropAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple, alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Drop anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.moveAnchor = moveAnchor(self, name, layer, coordTuple=(0, 0), alignTuple=(None, None), tolerance=5, italic=False) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Move anchor at given layer Args: name (str): Anchor Name layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both coordTuple (int, int): New anchor coordinates or auto aligment offsets* alignTuple (str,str): New anchor aligment* tolerance (int): Outline feature auto detection tolerance* *Aligment rules: (width, height) - (None,None) - Uses coordinates given - width - (L) Left; (R) Right; (A) Auto Bottom with tolerance; (AT) Auto Top with tolerance; (C) Center; - height - (T) Top; (B) Bottom; (C) Center; Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.reorder_shapes = reorder_shapes(self, layer=None, mode=(0, 0)) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Auto reorder shapes on given layer using criteria. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both mode (bool, bool): Mode of shape reordering/sorting by (X, Y) Returns: None
- typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph.ungroup_all_shapes = ungroup_all_shapes(self, layer=None, applyTransform=True) unbound typerig.proxy.objects.glyph.eGlyph method
Ungroup all shapes at given layer. Args: layer (int or str): Layer index or name, works with both applyTransform (bool): Apply transformation at shape. Returns: None