FL.Rect = class Rect(object)
=============================================== Rect - base class to represent rectangle =============================================== Integer or float values are accepted as coordinates CONSTRUCTOR: Rect() - generic constructor, creates a Rect with zero coordinates Rect(Rect r) - copy constructor Rect(Point p) - creates rectangle with one corner at (0, 0) and another - at coordinates defined by p Rect(Point p0, Point p1) - creates rectangle defined by the corner points Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1) - creates a rectangle defined by the coordinates of the corner points ATTRIBUTES: ll (Point) - position of the left/bottom corner ur (Point) - position of the right/top corner x (integer or float) - horizontal position of the left corner y (integer or float) - vertical position of the bottom corner width (integer or float) - width of the rectangle height (integer or float) - height of the rectangle OPERATIONS: add - Point or Rect must be second operand, rectangle is expanded to include this point or rectange multiply - second operand must be Matrix. Matrix transformation is applied to the rectangle METHODS Assign(Rect r) | (Point p0, Point p1) | (x0, y0, x1, y1) - assigns new values to a Rect, the same as constructor Shift(Point p) | (x, y) - shifts Rect on a position defined by p or x and y values Transform(Matrix m) - applies Matrix transformation to the Rect (see Matrix().__doc__) Resize(width, height) - resizes rectangle to new width and height Include(Rect r) | (Point p) | (x, y) - expands rectangle to include new rectangle or point Check(Rect r) - returns True if r overlaps current rectangle Check(Point p) - returns True if p is insude current rectangle Validate() - corrents rectangle's orientation
- Assign(...)
Assign(Rect r) | (Point p0, Point p1) | (x0, y0, x1, y1) - assigns new values to a Rect, the same as constructor
- Check(...)
Check(Rect r) - returns True if r overlaps current rectangle Check(Point p) - returns True if p is insude current rectangle
- Include(...)
Include(Rect r) | (Point p) | (x, y) - expands rectangle to include new rectangle or point
- Transform(...)
Transform(Matrix m) - applies Matrix transformation to the Rect (see Matrix().__doc__)
- __delattr__(...)
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
- __getattribute__(...)
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
- __setattr__(...)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
- height
- ll
- ur
- width
- x
- y
- __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T
- FL.Rect.Assign = Assign(...)
Assign(Rect r) | (Point p0, Point p1) | (x0, y0, x1, y1) - assigns new values to a Rect, the same as constructor
- FL.Rect.Check = Check(...)
Check(Rect r) - returns True if r overlaps current rectangle Check(Point p) - returns True if p is insude current rectangle
- FL.Rect.Include = Include(...)
Include(Rect r) | (Point p) | (x, y) - expands rectangle to include new rectangle or point
- FL.Rect.Resize = Resize(...)
Resize(width, height) - resizes rectangle to new width and height
- FL.Rect.Shift = Shift(...)
Shift(Point p) | (x, y) - shifts Rect on a position defined by p or x and y values
- FL.Rect.Transform = Transform(...)
Transform(Matrix m) - applies Matrix transformation to the Rect (see Matrix().__doc__)
- FL.Rect.Validate = Validate(...)
Validate() - corrents rectangle's orientation