typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier (version 0.26.6)
# MODULE: TypeRig / Core / Cubic Bezier (Object) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # (C) Vassil Kateliev, 2016-2020 (http://www.kateliev.com) # (C) Karandash Type Foundry (http://www.karandash.eu) #------------------------------------------------------------ # www.typerig.com
- math
class CubicBezier(builtin.object)
# - Classes -----------------------------
- init(self, *argv)
- repr(self)
- asList(self)
# -- Modifiers
- doSwap(self)
- doTransform(self, transform=None)
- get_handle_length(self)
Returns handle length and radii from base points.
- lerp_first(self, shift)
- lerp_last(self, shift)
- solve_curvature(self, time)
Find Curvature of on-curve point at given time
- solve_derivative(self, time)
Returns point of on-curve point at given time and vector of 1st and 2nd derivative.
- solve_distance_end(self, distance, timeStep=0.01)
Returns time at which the given distance to end of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- solve_distance_start(self, distance, timeStep=0.01)
Returns time at which the given distance to beginning of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- solve_extremes(self)
Finds curve extremes and returns [(extreme_01_x, extreme_01_y, extreme_01_t)...(extreme_n_x, extreme_n_y, extreme_n_t)]
- solve_handle_distance_from_base(self, ratio=(0.5, 0.5))
Finds new handle positions for given ratio from base points.
- solve_hobby(self, curvature=(0.9, 0.9))
Calculates and applies John Hobby's mock-curvature-smoothness by given curvature - tuple(float,float) or (float) Based on Metapolator's Hobby Spline by Juraj Sukop, Lasse Fister, Simon Egli
- solve_hobby_curvature(self)
Returns current curvature coefficients (complex(alpha), complex(beta)) for both handles according to John Hobby's mock-curvature calculation
- solve_parallel(self, vector, fullOutput=False)
Finds the t value along a cubic Bezier where a tangent (1st derivative) is parallel with the direction vector. vector: a pair of values representing the direction of interest (magnitude is ignored). returns 0.0 <= t <= 1.0 or None # Solving the dot product of cubic beziers first derivate to the vector given B'(t) x V. Two vectors are perpendicular if their dot product is zero. # So if you could find the (1) perpendicular of V it will be collinear == tangent of the curve so the equation to be solved is: # B'(t) x V(x,y) = 0; -(a*t^2 + b*t + c)*x + (g*t^2 + h*t + i)*y = 0 solved for t, where a,b,c are coefs for X and g,h,i for Y B'(t) derivate of curve # # Inspired by answer given by 'unutbu' on the stackoverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20825173/how-to-find-a-point-if-any-on-quadratic-bezier-with-a-given-tangent-direction # Recoded and recalculated for qubic beziers. Used 'Rearrange It' app at http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/view.jsp?id=4be4308d0f9d17d1da68eea39de9b2ce was invaluable. # # DOTO: Fix calculation optimization error - will yield false positive result in cases #1 and #2 if vector is 45 degrees
- solve_point(self, time)
Find point on cubic bezier at given time
- solve_proportional_handles(self, proportion=0.3)
Equalizes handle length to given float(proportion)
- solve_slice(self, time)
Returns two segments representing cubic bezier sliced at given time. Output: list [(Start), (Start_BCP_out), (Slice_BCP_in), (Slice), (Slice_BCP_out), (End_BCP_in), (End)] of tuples (x,y)
- solve_tunni(self)
Make proportional handles keeping curvature and on-curve point positions Based on modified Andres Torresi implementation of Eduardo Tunni's method for control points
- dict
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- weakref
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- height
- line
- points
- tuple
- width
- x
- x_max
- y
- y_max
typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier = class CubicBezier(__builtin__.object)
# - Classes -----------------------------
- __init__(self, *argv)
- __repr__(self)
- asList(self)
# -- Modifiers
- doSwap(self)
- doTransform(self, transform=None)
- get_handle_length(self)
Returns handle length and radii from base points.
- lerp_first(self, shift)
- lerp_last(self, shift)
- solve_curvature(self, time)
Find Curvature of on-curve point at given time
- solve_derivative(self, time)
Returns point of on-curve point at given time and vector of 1st and 2nd derivative.
- solve_distance_end(self, distance, timeStep=0.01)
Returns time at which the given distance to end of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- solve_distance_start(self, distance, timeStep=0.01)
Returns time at which the given distance to beginning of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- solve_extremes(self)
Finds curve extremes and returns [(extreme_01_x, extreme_01_y, extreme_01_t)...(extreme_n_x, extreme_n_y, extreme_n_t)]
- solve_handle_distance_from_base(self, ratio=(0.5, 0.5))
Finds new handle positions for given ratio from base points.
- solve_hobby(self, curvature=(0.9, 0.9))
Calculates and applies John Hobby's mock-curvature-smoothness by given curvature - tuple(float,float) or (float) Based on Metapolator's Hobby Spline by Juraj Sukop, Lasse Fister, Simon Egli
- solve_hobby_curvature(self)
Returns current curvature coefficients (complex(alpha), complex(beta)) for both handles according to John Hobby's mock-curvature calculation
- solve_parallel(self, vector, fullOutput=False)
Finds the t value along a cubic Bezier where a tangent (1st derivative) is parallel with the direction vector. vector: a pair of values representing the direction of interest (magnitude is ignored). returns 0.0 <= t <= 1.0 or None # Solving the dot product of cubic beziers first derivate to the vector given B'(t) x V. Two vectors are perpendicular if their dot product is zero. # So if you could find the (1) perpendicular of V it will be collinear == tangent of the curve so the equation to be solved is: # B'(t) x V(x,y) = 0; -(a*t^2 + b*t + c)*x + (g*t^2 + h*t + i)*y = 0 solved for t, where a,b,c are coefs for X and g,h,i for Y B'(t) derivate of curve # # Inspired by answer given by 'unutbu' on the stackoverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20825173/how-to-find-a-point-if-any-on-quadratic-bezier-with-a-given-tangent-direction # Recoded and recalculated for qubic beziers. Used 'Rearrange It' app at http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/view.jsp?id=4be4308d0f9d17d1da68eea39de9b2ce was invaluable. # # DOTO: Fix calculation optimization error - will yield false positive result in cases #1 and #2 if vector is 45 degrees
- solve_point(self, time)
Find point on cubic bezier at given time
- solve_proportional_handles(self, proportion=0.3)
Equalizes handle length to given float(proportion)
- solve_slice(self, time)
Returns two segments representing cubic bezier sliced at given time. Output: list [(Start), (Start_BCP_out), (Slice_BCP_in), (Slice), (Slice_BCP_out), (End_BCP_in), (End)] of tuples (x,y)
- solve_tunni(self)
Make proportional handles keeping curvature and on-curve point positions Based on modified Andres Torresi implementation of Eduardo Tunni's method for control points
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- height
- line
- points
- tuple
- width
- x
- x_max
- y
- y_max
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_point = solve_point(self, time) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Find point on cubic bezier at given time
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_derivative = solve_derivative(self, time) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns point of on-curve point at given time and vector of 1st and 2nd derivative.
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_curvature = solve_curvature(self, time) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Find Curvature of on-curve point at given time
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_slice = solve_slice(self, time) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns two segments representing cubic bezier sliced at given time. Output: list [(Start), (Start_BCP_out), (Slice_BCP_in), (Slice), (Slice_BCP_out), (End_BCP_in), (End)] of tuples (x,y)
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_distance_start = solve_distance_start(self, distance, timeStep=0.01) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns time at which the given distance to beginning of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_distance_end = solve_distance_end(self, distance, timeStep=0.01) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns time at which the given distance to end of bezier is met. Probing is executed withing timeStep in range from 0 to 1. The finer the step the preciser the results.
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_extremes = solve_extremes(self) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Finds curve extremes and returns [(extreme_01_x, extreme_01_y, extreme_01_t)...(extreme_n_x, extreme_n_y, extreme_n_t)]
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_parallel = solve_parallel(self, vector, fullOutput=False) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Finds the t value along a cubic Bezier where a tangent (1st derivative) is parallel with the direction vector. vector: a pair of values representing the direction of interest (magnitude is ignored). returns 0.0 <= t <= 1.0 or None # Solving the dot product of cubic beziers first derivate to the vector given B'(t) x V. Two vectors are perpendicular if their dot product is zero. # So if you could find the (1) perpendicular of V it will be collinear == tangent of the curve so the equation to be solved is: # B'(t) x V(x,y) = 0; -(a*t^2 + b*t + c)*x + (g*t^2 + h*t + i)*y = 0 solved for t, where a,b,c are coefs for X and g,h,i for Y B'(t) derivate of curve # # Inspired by answer given by 'unutbu' on the stackoverflow question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20825173/how-to-find-a-point-if-any-on-quadratic-bezier-with-a-given-tangent-direction # Recoded and recalculated for qubic beziers. Used 'Rearrange It' app at http://www.wolframalpha.com/widgets/view.jsp?id=4be4308d0f9d17d1da68eea39de9b2ce was invaluable. # # DOTO: Fix calculation optimization error - will yield false positive result in cases #1 and #2 if vector is 45 degrees
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_proportional_handles = solve_proportional_handles(self, proportion=0.3) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Equalizes handle length to given float(proportion)
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_handle_distance_from_base = solve_handle_distance_from_base(self, ratio=(0.5, 0.5)) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Finds new handle positions for given ratio from base points.
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.get_handle_length = get_handle_length(self) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns handle length and radii from base points.
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_hobby = solve_hobby(self, curvature=(0.9, 0.9)) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Calculates and applies John Hobby's mock-curvature-smoothness by given curvature - tuple(float,float) or (float) Based on Metapolator's Hobby Spline by Juraj Sukop, Lasse Fister, Simon Egli
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_hobby_curvature = solve_hobby_curvature(self) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Returns current curvature coefficients (complex(alpha), complex(beta)) for both handles according to John Hobby's mock-curvature calculation
- typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier.solve_tunni = solve_tunni(self) unbound typerig.core.objects.cubicbezier.CubicBezier method
Make proportional handles keeping curvature and on-curve point positions Based on modified Andres Torresi implementation of Eduardo Tunni's method for control points