Zoto Sans Mongolian

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ᡙᡇᠷᡬᢃᠠ ᢖᠱᠽᠩᡞᡏ ᢢᠬᢙᡮᠫᠥ ᠼᢨᠾᠰᢎᡲ ᢉᢛᢝᢋᠮᡓ

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license: Apache | Reference sans font for the Mongolian script | glyphs: 1511 | scripts: Mongolian

Zoto Sans Mongolian

Zoto Sans Mongolian is a design for the Mongolian script.

It contains 1511 glyphs and 5 OpenType features, and supports 200 characters from the Unicode blocks: Mongolian, CJK Compatibility Forms, General Punctuation, Basic Latin.

Supported writing systems


Mongolian (ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠪᠢᠴᠢᠭ) is a Central Asian alphabet, written left-to-right in vertical columns or rotated horizontal lines. Used for the Mongolian language in Mongolia and Inner Mongolia (2 million speakers). Also used for Daur, Xibe and Manchu in China, for Southern Altai and Kalmyk-Oirat in Russia, and for Buriat in Mongolia. Derived in the 13th century from Old Uyghur, related to Galik, Todo, Manchu and Sibe. Has 8 vowel and 27 consonant letters. Needs software support for complex text layout (shaping). Read more on ScriptSource, Wikipedia, Unicode, Wiktionary.


Based on Noto by Google. Copyright 2011-2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License v2.0.

Using this font

You may create your own fonts based on this font, and you may incorporate portions of this font into your own font. You may publish your own font under any license, including a commercial license, but you must:

  • in Font Info › Legal › Copyright, include Portions Copyright 2011-2015 Google Inc.
  • in Font Info › Legal › License, include Portions licensed under the Apache License v2.0.

Character map

! - ?   ᠀ ᠁ ᠂ ᠃ ᠄ ᠅ ᠆ ᠇ ᠈ ᠉ ᠊ ᠋ ᠌ ᠍ ᠠ ᠡ ᠢ ᠣ ᠤ ᠥ ᠦ ᠧ ᠨ ᠩ ᠪ ᠫ ᠬ ᠭ ᠮ ᠯ ᠰ ᠱ ᠲ ᠳ ᠴ ᠵ ᠶ ᠷ ᠸ ᠹ ᠺ ᠻ ᠼ ᠽ ᠾ ᠿ ᡀ ᡁ ᡂ ᡃ ᡄ ᡅ ᡆ ᡇ ᡈ ᡉ ᡊ ᡋ ᡌ ᡍ ᡎ ᡏ ᡐ ᡑ ᡒ ᡓ ᡔ ᡕ ᡖ ᡗ ᡘ ᡙ ᡚ ᡛ ᡜ ᡝ ᡞ ᡟ ᡠ ᡡ ᡢ ᡣ ᡤ ᡥ ᡦ ᡧ ᡨ ᡩ ᡪ ᡫ ᡬ ᡭ ᡮ ᡯ ᡰ ᡱ ᡲ ᡳ ᡴ ᡵ ᡶ ᡷ ᢀ ᢁ ᢂ ᢃ ᢄ ᢅ ᢆ ᢇ ᢈ ᢉ ᢊ ᢋ ᢌ ᢍ ᢎ ᢏ ᢐ ᢑ ᢒ ᢓ ᢔ ᢕ ᢖ ᢗ ᢘ ᢙ ᢚ ᢛ ᢜ ᢝ ᢞ ᢟ ᢠ ᢡ ᢢ ᢣ ᢤ ᢥ ᢦ ᢧ ᢨ ᢩ ᢪ – —   ⁈ ⁉ ◌ 、 。 ︽ ︾ ﹁ ﹂ ﹃ ﹄